US Police create call of duty themed recruitment advert
US Police create call of duty themed recruitment advert
US Police create call of duty themed recruitment advert
Why just kill video people when we will pay you to kill real people?
Sorry. I need the AC-130 missions and I don’t think I’ll regularly see that in domestic law enforcement.
Look at all the shit these dorks have on their rifles like bro you are kicking some dudes door down over a could of oxys you do not need a peq.
Why the fuck are cops using silencers?
no-knock evictions shouldn't ever wake our blessed landlords sleeping in
As we know all cops are bastards
Silencers are a good idea honestly for protecting people's hearing. Contrary to what Hollywood shows, silencers do not actually silence a gun, but rather quiet it.
If you ever shoot a gun indoors, what happens
lol for reals they don’t even have night vision on why have the peq at that point?
I hate Illinois nazis
they got the 'no russian' mission, but it's in a doggy daycare
featuring special operator buttigieg in a juggernaut suit
I heard the PPD epic loot boxes have a chance to drop his bread pricing gun
These dudes couldn't chase you half a block
Don't have too. They have cars to run you over chase you down.
that's on purpose.. lends weight to the new argument for 24/7 policing with drones
The typesetting isn't centered and it's infuriating me can these donut-addict murderhogs do fuckall anything right
No Donuts
paul blart mall kkkop fascist explaining their strain of fascism to incel nazi frog fascist: "imagine your video game,,,"
Why do American police behave like an occupying force? Oh right.
"Cobra 6, this is Reaper. I forgot to put on my diabetic socks and need to tactically redeploy myself to a more secure quadrant until such time as I can affect their utilization."
They couldn't find three attractive or at least fit cops to be in their propaganda poster? This is really what they went with?
What makes this great is that it’s for Peoria, IL; which if you’re not familiar with it, it’s basically like Pawnee in Parks & Rec.
FUCKING PEORIA of course it's Peoria
Tactical Randy from My Name Is Earl
No thanks, I already #joinedPPB
After the revolution PPB will no longer be a joke, the PPB will be our equivalent to the KGB
Looking forward to Call of Duty: Cop Ops, where you shoot at unarmed protestors and thwart a "terrorist" plot using as much overreach, corruption(framed as necessary to get the job done) and high tech "cool" prototype weapons as they can cram into the game.
I also am extremely excited for people to insist the game isn't "political" and even if it is, it is "unbiased" because there's a joke bonus level where you have an acorn panic meter mechanic.
This is just Battlefield Hardline
suddenly i wish activision loved lawsuits as much as nintendo does
Real Meal Team 6 energy here
"Porkchop Guy", "Wears a Fedora in Their Off Hours Guy", "Guy WAAAAYY in the Back that's Got Your Back Guy"...
guy in the way back is "accidentally shot your back guy"