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(1968) U.F.O. in Sky Over Madrid Eludes Spanish Air Force

   MADRID, Sept. 6 (UPI)-- The Spanish Air Force said today an "unidentified flying object" had eluded one of its supersonic jet fighter-bombers as a rash of flying saucer reports spread from Latin America to Europe.

   The sighting of a bright object in the night sky yesterday over Madrid caused a traffic jam and sent the United States-built F-104 jet scrambling to find out what it was.

   An official air force announcement said the pilot climbed to an altitude of more that 50,000 feet and reported the object was still above him when he had to return to base for fuel. The pilot of another plane flying at 36,000 feet reported seeing the same object.

   Air force radar screens picked up the object and said it was flying at 90,000 feet and moving slowly.