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Majority of gamers play with subtitles turned on Subtitles in video games: yes or no? Do players use them?

Throughout my gaming journey, I've encountered numerous instances where subtitles, an essential feature for understanding game narratives, have been poorly

Subtitles in video games: yes or no? Do players use them?

For instance, Assassin’s Creed Origins had subtitles turned off by default and 60% of players turned them on.

  • Since I started playing (and watching stuff) with subtitles, I realised just how much I’ve missed from poor sound mixing.

    • Poor sound mixing is exactly why I watch most things with subs by default now. I got sick of constantly having to turn the volume up to hear dialogue and then quickly back down to avoid massive explosions etc.

      • And I feel this is an escalating problem. Sound mixing is generally horrible in both games and movies/TV. Unless you blow out your speakers during the higher peaks, you've got no chance of hearing dialogue.

        Does anyone have any clue to why this is such a well-spread phenomenon? Why is it like this? I mean, I get it (kinda) at a cinema, but I think it's way overplayed there as well.

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