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Introduction to the NoYank or RAAMACFYL movement

First things first: this comm is about anti-imperialism.

It is to help you in your personal journey of cultural anti-imperialism.

American culture has spread all over the world, it has dumbed down and impoverished our variegated pre-colonial and non-capitalist cultures. Every time you yank yourself, a bit of their culture worms its way into your mind. Sometimes it's explicit propaganda like Top Gun, but sometimes it's subtle: the contempt shown for the poor, the celebration of selfishness, the mental foundation on which their empire stands.

All inputs enter the mind, are absorbed, and blossom as thoughts and deeds. Mass-produced culture dulls you and makes you a boring, mass-produced personality. And nations are losing their personality by letting one imperial power do this to them.

That the empire is doing this as a more-or-less deliberate tool of influence doesn't need stressing.

Stop doing this to yourself. Don't watch their television. Don't watch their films. Don't read their stupid news and politics: ABC and CNN and NBC and the rest. Don't be so fucking boring. You don't have to be boring and stupid. Turn off your TV. Pick up some of your country's classic books, or listen to African funk, or go to a storytelling night.

RAAMACFYL = Remove All American Media And Culture From Your Life

One way to start is to give NoYank a 30-day trial, like you would with NoPoo or NoFap. One common finding is that you are pushed towards more mentally-stimulating, less shallow content.

Examples of posts that are welcome

  • Give recommendations of internationalist media

  • Bookclubs for anti-imperialist books or just any non-american books

  • Complain about americanised people and culture.

  • Talk about your motivations


  • Why should I stop consuming American culture? – I'm not saying you should, you must do what seems like a good idea to you. Why don't you RAAMACFYL for a month and see how it feels? Maybe you'll be less angry, less competitive, more engaged with a richer cultural experience. It should be life-enhancing for you.

  • Does [Breaking Bad/TheSimpsons/etc count?] – Yes.

  • Are Yanks allowed post here? – Yes. It's about cultural de-americanisation, not yanks-out

  • Aren't you just limiting yourselves, diminishing the diversity of culture available to you? – On the contrary, you will consume more diverse culture, not less. The average American culture enjoyer beats their brain with the same clichés over and over again. Try RAAMACFYL for one month and see for yourself that your horizons are broadened, not narrowed. Some other community members believe in the 4% rule, where 4% of your media comes from the USA, proportional to their share of the global population.