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  • I wouldn't even say "capitalism" straight up. A lot of this shit is the result of capitalism at least in so far as these are all WW2 veterans who got the Settler Colonial bump from a plundered American continent and a decimated European rival market.

    This was a singular moment in time, during which American Fascism delivered the goods for its popular loyalist base. What changed was that the Fascists at the top of the system did what Fascists always do and began eating their own seed corn rather than share with subsequent generations. The empire turned inward, crushed the popular social democrats of the 50s/60s/70s, and consolidated their gains within the robbery barony strongholds of the modern finance system.

    If you want this moment back, you need to... well... you-are-a-serf

    That means either doing a Socialism or a Barbarism. And we know what @creation247 thinks the answer is, but I doubt many folks in his audience are going to be excited about serving as cannon fodder in his next Glorious White Nationalist War. No more than the poor bastards shoved up into the front lines of the Russia-Ukraine war appear to be enjoying themselves, anyway.

    Edit: Can I just say that Twitter, in its current incarnation, is slow and jenky af? Nothing fucking works on this website anymore.

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