Poor cops who were born into a system which gives them unreasonable power over normal people but some people don't like them and that makes them sad. ( ˘̩╭╮˘̩) /s
One is an ethnic (i.e.: born-into - not chosen) group that has historically been exploited by white europeans for centuries. The expression "black lives" has only emerged because we still live in a system which continuously devalues the lives of non-white people.
The other group is composed of people who have willingly chosen to uphold that system.
A cop can and should turn in their badge. A black person can't escape their skin color.
That may not have been your point, but you made it badly. You cannot compare Black lives and blue lives as a meaningful comparison because, as the other user pointed out, membership in one is compulsory and optional in the other.
You may as well have said:
Imagine if a similar gif with "fuck people that don't enjoy bestiality" was posted. You people are nuts.
...for all the relevance it would have to the point you're trying to make.
Your point is that calling for violence on any one group is bad. That's a fine point to argue, but using Black lives as an "equally bad" comparison point is nonsense.
Why do you think calling for violence against the police is a bad thing? Is it bad, in your opinion, to call for violence against any group, regardless of what that group is?
Say for the sake of example that we were living in Nazi Germany. Would you say that calling for violence against the SS is as bad as calling for violence against Jews? I don't think you would.
Granted, we are not in Nazi Germany. The police in America are not the SS. But there are plenty of legitimate problems with the police, including the murder of unarmed minorities going unpunished.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect you don't believe that the police are bad enough to warrant calls for violence, and maybe that's true. However, there are people who don't think that's true -- they think the police, as an institution, are corrupt enough that they should see violent consequences.
Bit a side note, but I don't know that I agree with calling for violence against the police. I don't think it's going to accomplish anything at this point because of the very real risk of extreme backlash. But I do understand why people want to.
It seems to me that you dont know the actual intention of "black lives matter", as well as the phrase "blue lives matter".
"Black lives matter" is in reference of the ongoing injustice of systemic violence and heavy (violent) policing targetting black people.
"Blue lives matter" came up after the horrible violence of cops against black people protesting in wake or George Floyd's murder. It is usually uttered by "law-and-order" fascists.
Stating the connection of the post to BLM in the context of "yOuR jUsT aS bAd aS tHe racIsTs!" is simply cringe.
Fascists refer to cops they look up to "blue lives". It is ok and your duty as a freedom loving person to punch fascists. That's the point of the original post.