I hated steak well into my 20s because I'd inadvertently always eaten it well done and thought that's just how it comes. Since discovering the rare end of the spectrum, I now love steak
I'm not going to try every variety of bean in the world just to find out there are a handful of beans other than some peas that I might possibly like. Just like I'm not going to try every variety of olive I like just to find out if there's one I don't hate.
Why does this even matter to you? You eat what you like and I'll eat what I like. Notice I haven't even asked you what you eat and if you told me you didn't like, for example, fish, I wouldn't keep pressing you because there are lots of types of fish and you just haven't tried the right fish and I thought I didn't like fish so you're mistaken for not liking fish. Would you enjoy it if I kept pressing you on it or do you think you might consider that rude?
Again, why does this matter to you? Why do you care so much about what a stranger chooses to do? Am I hurting anyone? Am I being highly immoral? What is the deal here?
I think you're hurting yourself by depriving yourself of an opportunity for delicious food.
Also it's an online conversation, you can disengage whenever you want. It's not like I'm a door-to-door evangelist trying to preach the glory of beans.
I'm pretty sure that doesn't hurt me since I'm okay with that.
And I'm also pretty sure "eat different types of beans until you find a type you like" is not something most doctors would consider sound medical advice.
So I don't think I'm hurting myself.
If anything, the person who sounds hurt here is you, because I am insulting the mighty bean.