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  • Donate to Mozilla guys. We should be grateful they didn't shut Firefox down.

    • I will quote a comment on HN from a Mozilla employee:

      You shouldn’t donate. The donations don’t go to MoCo which is the for profit subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation under which FF is developed. All the donations go to MoFo, where they barely covered Mitchell’s salary and what was left went to her pet political projects. People are pretty unaware/misled about how Mozilla is structured/funded. The only way you can contribute to FF directly is to keep and use Google as the default search engine.

  • Woo, focusing on the stuff I actually use and not trying to be everything to everyone. Over-diversifying is killing so many big players.

    • Personally I really liked the focus on privacy-based services as a way of monetizing outside of their revenue based on which search engine is the default (basically making them Google's b*tch financially). Maybe it wasn't enough or not viable, and that's why they're scaling down..

      The idea of using AI to process more stuff locally (ie: Firefox Translate) is nice and I hope they find more use for it, but that's not the kind of thing that will make Mozilla last over the years.

      I hope the interim CEO and the next CEO are heading towards a cohesive vision for Mozilla's future.