For two years, Hindutva Watch has chronicled unreported hate crimes and violence against India’s religious minorities, earning it some powerful enemies.
For two years, Hindutva Watch has chronicled unreported hate crimes and violence against India’s religious minorities, earning it some powerful enemies.
Even most shocking is, hate crime is being supported by main stream media. The so called anchors on their prime time news are calling for "final solution" of minorities.
All Indian mainstream media champion BJP's religious persecution of minority religions (directly currently at Muslims & Christians). They openly share fake news or present twisted version of events to cast non-Hindus in a bad light. They are used by the BJP to spead misinfo, disinfo, and propaganda and these anchors and their media houses know it.,Yet they continue since it gets them money, proximity to power, & a shield against threats of violence from the hindu supremacist mob they've helped create. Mainstream media is called godimedia (godi = lap) aka lapdogs in India and they're sure to ramp up their hate factories, since national and key regional elections are due soon.
The situation inside India is scary for a Hindu, and terrifying for a non-Hindu. And so we're shocked when he gets invited and feted by the heads of the developed world. 2 months ago, POTUS honoured him with a White House dinner, President Macron awarded him with the Grand Croix de Legion de l'honneur ffs.
There's no democracy in India anymore but isn't there any respect for democracy in the West either?
Since Narendra cannot raise a firewall, he's bringing in new laws that equates a govt to the nation and can send pretty much everyone to prison as a terrorist.