I remember when Voyager was the "bad" Star Trek. Now I have heard from many people that it's their favorite.
Edit: Come to think of it, I remember when DS9 was the "bad" Star Trek that was "just a Babylon 5 ripoff."
I have always been of the opinion that the best Star Trek is the Star Trek you like most. (Except for you people who like J.J. Trek the most. You're weird.)
Oh, hell - I’m old enough that I remember when TNG first came out. I was like “WTF is this?!” “The Enterprise is a pizza wheel now?!!” “Why does the French captain have an English accent and why is he such a prick?!!!”
To be fair, solely in the context of TOS, those first few episodes and most of the first season were pretty bizarre. I mean, those Ferengi as the main bad guys meant to replace the Klingons? Q was just out of left field. The idea was actually great in hindsight, but the execution was honestly terrible. Then the writers started figuring out the plot and the actors started figuring out their roles, and now it’s considered the standard against which all other Treks are measured.
I think it was DS9 where the First Season Rule was discovered, along with The Beardening phenomenon.
In my memory it was the just the first season of DS9 that was a struggle back when things where originally airing. My friends and I were hooked hard by season 2.
And Voyager did have a serious Berman problem. Of course if Rick Berman's handling of Voyager hadn't been so bad that it made Ronald D. Moore quit Star Trek then we may have never gotten Battlestar Galactica. So, silver linings.
Been rewatching Enterprise lately and knew I had to make a gif out of the, "I still don't believe in time travel," "The hell you don't" scene. Not sure I agree fully with either of their sentiments in this meme. Be chill in the comments y'all.
Edit: This is supposed to be a gif with Archer popping back up and saying, "The hell it does" at the end. Seems to play fine on the Memmy app and during the Lemmy.World web upload screen, but not some of the actual web page views. Arg!
I eventually gave up and started uploading the stuff I make to YouTube. Only reliable free video hosting out there in my experience. And that sucks. I hate it.
Reminds me of a video I saw on some Marvel movie where he discussed a "skill floor" that previously existed. The movies that were considered bad back then were still competent and functional to a basic degree, while the newer ones... weren't. Thus, the bad movies then became good now by contrast. In other words, bad new Trek will become good old Trek by way of the even newer stuff somehow managing to be even worse.