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Digital Rights Groups Launch Week of Action Against 'Bad Internet Bills' Digital Rights Groups Launch Week of Action Against 'Bad Internet Bills'

The coalition is "demanding that Congress focus on passing badly needed comprehensive privacy legislation to actually protect us from the harms of Big Tech companies and data brokers."

Digital Rights Groups Launch Week of Action Against 'Bad Internet Bills'

Coverage of the week of action in Common Dreams, with quotes from of Fight for the Future.

If you want to help, here are four easy ways:

  1. If you live in the US, contact your legislators using Fight for the Future’s
  2. Upvote and boost posts in ! -- and cross-post them to other communities and magazines where they're on-topic
  3. On Mastodon, boost posts on the #BadInternetBills and #KOSA hashtags
  4. Get the word out on other social networks too