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  • Symptoms may include: homelessness, unemployment, poverty, hunger, feelings of powerlessness

    huh????? whats any of that got to do with capitalism???

    capitalism is just when u trade stuff in a free market and its unregulated and ppl like their stuff and theres no false advertizing or explotation and u make lots of money

    if you get homeless and unemployed and poor and hungry and powrless....thats ur fault....or soliciam idk which but its not capitalisms fault

    delet this plz

  • See if revolution is right for you!

    Side effects include meetings, having to go outside.

    Read revolutionary texts for details.

    • They make pills for suicidal thoughts, so they make them for revolutionary thoughts too?

      • If you meant pills that prevent revolutionary thought, they have the side effect of suicidal thoughts and/or capitalism

        If you meant pills that cause revolutionary thought, they tend to come in Marxist theory book form

      • They are called cyanide pills. Cures revolutionary and suicidal thoughts. And any other form of thinking.