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  • The only issue I have with secession talk is there are lots of Texas citizens who aren't the problem. Every red state has people with common sense, they just don't have the ability at the moment to shut up the idiots. Plus secession at this point is ludicrous, leaving with your toys isn't how you fix problems. Oh wait, it's Republicans, they don't ever have solutions anymore anyway it's all a political game.

    • The pro-seccession crowd here isn't even the majority of Republicans. They brought a petition to out a measure on the primary ballot and the state GOP said no. Then the state Supreme Court declined to intervene.

  • If Texas has complete control and final authority over their majority portion of the southern border, shouldn't they be the ones are responsible for spending the resources for securing it as well as being accountable for the humanitarian disaster?

    The Republicans want it both ways: They want to blame the President and federal government for the situation at the border (but only when it's the Democrats in office and never when they are, of course), and at the exact same time they want to claim total authority over border policy on the state level. On top of that, they love to pull political stunts wrt the border every election year, but when it comes to actually passing an immigration bill, they'll tank it because Trump doesn't want to let Biden have yet another win.

    Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Fucking pick one you disingenuous scumbag clowns.

  • For a party that claims to love and respect the US Constitution, being filled to gills with "constitutional orginalists," I don't think any Republican has ever actually read the document. If they had even glanced over it, they would have looked at Article 6, Paragraph 2 also known as the "Federal Supremacy Clause." It's meaning is that law at the Federal level supercedes State laws and even state constitutions. The "Founding Fathers" intended for the Federal government to hold supremacy over the state governments... now it isn't written in plain English, but it is plain enough. Further, the end of our Civil War the court case Texas v White made it plain as day legally that no State may leave the union. Again, the party of "law and order" comes in clutch with that misunderstanding of what those words mean.

    All that being said, succession isn't actually that popular (even in Texas). There would likely be a mass revolt against it in any state attempting it. Further, even a play at attempting it would be a political death sentence (as well as, perhaps, a literal one). Any insurrection against the federal government, even by a collection of contiguous states, would face a similar challenge the capitalists/monarchists (or Whites) of the Russian Civil War faced. The major population centers wouldn't recognize the authority of those in revolt and all they'd be left with would be the hinterlands and rural towns. Which is not a great position to be in strategically (again, see: the outcome of the Russian Civil War).

    This is all not to mention, while States have their own National Guards, the insurrectionists would have to convince those troops to fire on troops who are wearing the same uniform. You'd have to convince their officers to break their oath to uphold both US law and face a possible death sentence if captured. I don't know Abbott's relationship with his National Guardsmen, but I highly doubt many officers will go in with him in this piece of political theater.

  • This guy, these people, are so thick headed.

    The court ruled that the border patrol officers have the constitutional authority to move some razor wire in some areas (this case mentions 2.5 miles) because it's in their way of apprehending people trying to get over the boarder - actually, people who have already set foot on US soil.

    This is going to turn into some big thing because Abbot would rather let immigrants die in the river than permit border patrol to capture them.

  • Dog whistle to his supporters, that's all.

    If they actually tried anything they'd be snuffed out pretty fast.

  • Go for it, Abbott. Let's see your beloved Texas Rangers go up against satellite-guided drone bombers.