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  • I've been consistently going to the gym every other day for 3 months now, haven't done that in about 5 years

  • Broke my foot running June 2022. Stress fracture. Doctors xrayed it in August and ultrasounded it in September and told me essentially that i was faking it. I still had to walk around on it all the time including 15 minutes of my commute to work.

    They did a quick MRI in December 2022 and wow, actually it was broken!! Imagine that.

    Since it was so fucked up from walking on it for 6 months with no support, they told me that it was finally healing and they couldn't do much now. Finally was not painful enough to run in April 2023, but we bought a house and started a full strip and renovation.

    I finally started running again with my dog after 1.5 years. Only a few times a week for a few km, but it feels good

  • I played 9 holes of golf tbis morning carrying my bag and then went and trained legs at the gym after

  • This week is my max testing week. Its been successful so far, 165kg squat, and 130kg on bench. I'll be trying for 200kg on deadies either tonight or tomorrow.

    I had a significant back injury at the end of 2022, which basically reset my progress. Took all of 2023 to get back to where I was, and now I've just hit some new PBs. I might start competing again this year but I'm enjoying the progression without the added stress of needing to compete.