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How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges

A look into how undercover police in Colorado Springs attempted to go after left-wing organizers on weapons and conspiracy charges. For background, read this piece from the Colorado Springs Independent. ​Thanks to reporting from Colorado Springs Independent, it is now public knowledge that Colorado ...

How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges

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Officer April Rodgers and the CSPD put on an elaborate sting operation to bust several groups of leftists for a crime they manufactured. April was attempting to get me to participate in a straw purchase and god knows what else. Based off some other people I’ve talked to, I was not the only one who the CSPD targeted. It appears the goal was the create a firearms trafficking group from Colorado Springs to Denver in order to bust every leftist with firearm ties in both cities. Either that, or it was an attempt to pressure me into becoming an informant.

I believe it is very important to document and publicly share these types of COINTELPRO tactics whenever they pop up. I work a boring desk job and shoot guns with friends once every two weeks, yet I was specifically sought out and targeted. Be careful y’all, and remember if the vibes are off, leave. Last but not least, fuck CSPD. Over a third of the city of Colorado Springs’ budget goes to them so they can carry out failed political vendettas against anyone who dares not be a conservative christian.