Skip Navigation shares the time they realized their friend misheard a saying Anon learns to love the bath bomb -

drop your childhood stories: >be me, age 12 >hate showering more than anything >it feels gross and i hate getting wet >my mom starts telling me that if i don’t shower every day then i can’t eat dinner >i want my dindin so i come up with a genius plan >let the shower run for 10-15 minutes while i sit...

Anon learns to love the bath bomb -

A friend of mine is a non-native English speaker. He teaches at an elementary school and works with 'English as a second language' students. He casually mentioned that he always tells his students to take a 'horse bath' in the bathroom sink after recess if needed. He was traumatized when I told him that he'd misheard that phrase for his entire adult life.

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