Patch Tuesday 8 August 2023
Patch Tuesday 8 August 2023
Patches released roundup notes from bleeping computer
Patch Tuesday 8 August 2023
Patches released roundup notes from bleeping computer
The Exchange Server SU breaks non-English Servers. MS acknowledged the issue and provides an official workaround.
MS rereleased the update, supposedly it is fixed now. We will look out for other reviews before installing.
Exchange 2016 CU23 SU9v2 installed without errors, all services came back online like they are supposed to do.
Anyone had issues with 2016 reboot taking excessively long?
Biggest things I'm seeing is CVE-2023-21709 for Exchange requires a PowerShell script to be run after patching. Also, CVE-2023-29328/29330 for Teams affect all devices (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android).