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Does anyone have any spare CI machines to help run lemmy jobs? PM me if you do.

We'd like to add some more CI runners for lemmy jobs, cause we have very few right now. If anyone has any spare builder machines, pm me. It'd be greatly appreciated.

  • Maybe I’m the dumbest ex-CI/CD engineer in the universe, but… what? A CI machine isn’t some generic/universal thing that any random project can plugged into. What are you actually asking for?

    • So a lot of open source CI systems (like the one we run, called woodpecker-ci), allow you to add as many runner machines as you like. The server, when given a job, picks a random runner machine to run that job.

      Its as easy as having a computer / VPS that's running docker, and can be given a docker-compose.yml file to run. We need more runners since we only have ~ 3.