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Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich! Lemmit.Online bot

Warning! There is no such thing as an anonymous survey.

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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/GoblinandBeast on 2024-01-10 03:27:14.

Last year in September my company sent out an “anonymous survey” to see what the workers thought about the company. Today a coworker was terminated after him and the supervisor had a disagreement. I found out after he left that HR said he couldn’t be arguing with his supervisor and make hateful remarks about him. He claimed he never made a hateful remark. HR said that he referred to his boss as a “glorified babysitter” who “only got this job because he kissed the higher ups ass”. The only time he ever said that at the company is in the survey because he thought it was funny and wouldn’t be linked back to him. After some quick research I know that the surveys are linked to our employee Id number.

Long story short, there is no anonymous surveys and don’t trust HR