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What song acts as preworkout for you? Mine in Chollima on The Wing

I considered posting this to Tankie Tunes but realized that not everyone that listens to music also lifts, but everyone who lifts definitely listens to music…so with that said, what is your favorite song/most “powerful” song that you exercise to? Obv it doesn’t have to be ML music but most of my songs that get me super pumped are political songs. For me it’s Chollima on The Wing, a super powerful sounding DPRK track that seems to make me able to lift 50 lbs more lol. I like this song when I need to do a solid 1 minute exercise of heavy weight with many reps. It has a good rhythm to it for keeping your reps in time. Besides those main ones, I also love this Maoist song mainly just bc it’s high-energy and cheery, good for doing cardio or a longer exercise to. Lastly I love listening to Motorhead and Van Halen. They don’t match the other songs but what can I say, Ace of Spades fuckin kicks ass