I'm a member of the EFF, and its activities are great, but understandably have slightly more focus on USA-related matters. I say "but" just because I don't live in the USA.
Are there similar foundations that operate and focus/prioritize more on an international level? I don't manage to find any, but probably I'm doing the wrong kind of search.
Yeah, I ran into this on /r/europe when there were some EU legislation issues. The EFF does have some activity in the EU, but it does have a mostly-US focus, and there isn't really a direct analog.
It depends on what your interest is.
EDRi (European Digital Rights) in Europe has come up on a couple of advocacy issues I've followed. If you're in Europe, they might be worth a look. They don't feel quite the same to me, but maybe that's what you're looking for.
In Australia we have the EFA. Inspired by but not related to the EFF. If you want to get involved locally there might be something similar in your country.
THANK YOU so much for all the very useful links. I understand what @cwagner is saying, it makes sense. I'll look at some organizations in Europe and Northern Europe.
What I hope is that these organization maintain an active dialogue. It's true that laws and political situations change a lot from country to country, but it's always helpful to exchange ideas and have support, even if just moral support, from other countries.
I hope people will keep on posting relevant links and foundations.
Donating to an organisation in your own country (or within a region like the EU) might be a lot more financially efficient - both because your local banking system makes it easier, and because nobody is charging for currency conversions.