The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?
like, it's still dark at 5pm, there are barely any sports on, still bitterly cold and austere and it hurts to go outside, but you're not even looking forward to christmas or the new year. the new year is here, and it's largely the same as last year. except you're getting older.
That's one way to look at it. Another is: this user's life is (self described) so depressing. Maybe their investment in things that return little to no benefit to their lives - like watching the sportsballs - isn't healthy. panem et circenses.
focusing on something they can - ahem - actually move the ball on - something they could see a tangible difference in their lives - would help.
But nah, let's ignore the panem et circenses in the room.
So no shit, modsherlock, thanks for the censorship.