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Dacians - Unsettling truths

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translated from Romanian to English using Google Translate (not 100% accurate):

"The information presented in this documentary overturns many of the theories built Romanian history. False who are intoxicated young generations must be removed! ... The movie" The Dacians - disturbing truths "is part of a larger project that aimed at recovering historical truth, the first plunge.

As you will find, scientific evidence referred to the arguments based on authentic historical sources, bring unique and highly valuable information, which can generate a rewriting of the history of this nation.

All this is supported by personalities and specialists who truly deserves to be heard: General (res.) Dr. Chelaru (former Chief of General Staff of the Romanian Army), Dr. Napoleon Săvescu (founding director of Dacia Revival International Society) , General (res.) Nicholas Spiroiu (former Minister of National Defence), Prof. dr. Mihai Popescu (National Military Library), univ. dr. dr. Alexander Rodewald (Director of the Institute of Human Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany), Dr. Georgeta card (genetic specialist biologist researcher - Victor Babes Institute), Prof. PhD Sebastian Stănculescu (palaeography and cultural anthropology).

Paleogenetics recent research results achieved in Hamburg, Germany, the bones and teeth of Romanian sites 3000-5000 years ago, questioning the theories underlying the official history of Romania. The current population of Romania successor Thracian populations and now pretracice 3000-5000 years? Are we genetically related to the Italians? Here are just two of the many disturbing questions that this documentary is to respond with well-founded arguments.

Recovering historical truth is a vital step recovery national dignity.Recovering historical truth is a vital step to recover national dignity. The Gauls, "bravest and fairest of all the Thracians", waiting to be done right!