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  • To lose another 50 pounds. I have 45 to go so I’m pumped that I have a head start going into 12024 H.E.!

  • Do more stretches and take better care of my body besides I just want to lift weights. I should not have so many things that hurt on my body at the age I am. Also do more cardio than once a month.

  • A friend showed me symmetric strength, which is a website that can calc your potential 1RMs from your best lifts, as well as showing how you stack up in your weight class. It's not normally my kind of thing; I dont compete in PL, nor do I shoot for 1RMs but the data is very cool, and can expand on other rep ranges.

    Through that, I reached a SBD total of 530 KG at 74 BW. Most importantly, I gained weight on my 5x5s. I think I could go further next year, but I'm happy to take my time with it.

    SBD isn't a format I actively train for, but it's a neat little guideline for sure.

  • I split that thought into several groups:

    General Health

    • get quarterly blood works done
    • eat clean
    • fix broken left shoulder
    • fix mobility


    • integrate more compound movements and free weight training as I'm mostly doing strength on machines
    • get my abs to really show (I've lost a decent amount of weight and are hovering around 18% body fat so it should be possible)
    • fix my running (poor feet and asthma make it harder)
    • get a 100k hike in 24 hours done


    • I picked up wakeboarding end of last season, wanna continue during summer
    • dabble a bit in basketball and rugby as I've always been interested in those
    • go on a rock climbing tour

    In general all goals are just more direction giving, I'm not sweating it as long as I keep my general routine that I thoroughly enjoy (every 2nd day resistance and every other day enough steps or a little cardio).

  • Build more upper body strength.

    Started my efforts in November, want to continue it throughout 2024.