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I'm being harassed by mosquitoes, how do i kill them all?

To my knowledge there's no stagnant water on my property, I've run water through all my ptraps, and I'm careful to not leave doors open. Yet at any given time there's at least 3 in my house. I can't sleep, i can't sit on the couch, i can't exist in the fear of being sucked dry.

The breaking point is when i watched my dog get bit on her head. I'm ready to do whatever it takes and then some. I will kill a man if it saves me from these demons. Any ideas?

  • Only real solution is anti musquito net on windows, unless you are willing to move to island or antarctic

  • Garlic, lots of garlic. Plant it in your garden, under your windows. Rub your doorframe and window frames with it. Rub the dog collar with it.

    Helps against Ticks as well

  • Serious answer: you have to kill the mosquito larvae. Mosquitos like breeding in standing water, so eliminate as much of it as you possibly can from around your home. Set up bucket traps as early into mosquito season as you can; with no nearby standing water mosquitos will lay larvae in there and the larvae will die. This will cause an exponential decrease in the local mosquito population over time. While bug traps, bat houses and pet frogs may help kill adult mosquitoes, setting up traps specifically to kill mosquito larvae early is the most effective thing you can do to reduce the population

  • Dual wield those electric tennis rackets?

    If you're talking about a particular area, using fans can help push mosquitoes away.

    If you're mobile, use DEET on your skin and permethrin on your clothes and your dog's fur.

  • A lot of good suggestions already here. Try to eliminate the mosquitoes in your house as much as possible. I installed mosquito nets on my windows a few years ago. This helped a lot. I am now asking myself why I haven't done this before.

    But I do still get bites like one or two a day, because I also like to be outside in my garden and sometimes a mosquito still finds a way into the house.

    So there is no way you can prevent all bites. But the good thing is, you can treat them really well really easy with heat! I do this when I have a cup of tea. I just press the hot tea cup on the bite for a short while. But there are also special pen like devices called electronic insect bite healer or something similar. They are about 10-20 euros. They work as well and are probably safer and easier to handle.

    Heat does disintegrate the anticoagulant that mosquitos inject and that makes the bites so itchy. The bites I get itch only ones. Then I treat them with heat and they are basically gone. Try to not scratch because you might spread the anticoagulant more. Just treat them right away!

  • As I heard, they are gonna be nerfed during autumn, in patch 09-23.

    Apparently hotfixes are only available for submarines.

  • Can you buy a million sterilized mosquitos and release them into your environment? It's a long term solution but they can compete the fertile mosquitos to death.

  • You haven't provided too much information about your location... but a common swift eats 20.000 insects a day and mosquitoes are one of their favourites. If they live in your area, look up online how to build a birdhouse that will suit their needs.

  • As someone who lives in a mosquito-ridden area, I'd usually spray the target room with mosquito repellant. However, this method is toxic so I'd usually stay outside the sprayed room for a while.

    If you want to avoid toxic fumes I'd say blue light traps are pretty effective, though they won't kill as many mosquitos as the repellant.