'We can reclaim control of our destiny,' Al Gore says of climate change | The former vice president found hope in the possibility that humans have the tools to repair the planet.
He ran for president. His talking points were listening to scientists and not spending the budget surplus gained in the Clinton years when Al was vice president.
He won the popular vote, lost Florida which was governed by Dubbya's brother and we got Dubbya in the white house.
Over the next few years we got the SUV, Iraq war and warrantless wiretapping of US citizens. Climate scientists were labeled the enemy, EPA was turned into a joke and Haliburton and Petro comanies were doing better than they ever dreamed.
politicians only role is to be against the person in charge, even just out of spite to look like they are aware of the shortcomings of said governing body; they just like to stir things up in order to stay relevant, while in fact they dont really add any value to society. Just another middleman between imperialists and the bottom 80%.
Yea i know: in a former post, american 'lemmies' ? argued that 100k$/year salary puts you in the top 10% of american society, and apparently 75k$ earners are just homeless people, hence the 80%..
Reminder, Al Gore has made a shit load of money talking about how humans have fucked the environment. He has also used that money to buy houses that consume more energy than a city block, and flies around the globe for talks weekly, causing more emissions while making money off taking bad about people who destroy the planet.
inappropriate housing for the coming-into-place HOT planet
removal of usable water from much of the population with megadroughts
alteration in the planetary tectonic-quakes-habit, due to relocation of which regions of tectonic-stress are water-lubricated, and which are megadrought/desert made more brittle
highjacking of authority through Murdochism, the right-wing's remapping of Leninism from "education" to TV, and from "proletariat" dictatorship to "populist" dictatorship
THEN an ever-increasing % of our planet's population is going to be stampeding refugees, and more & more of our planet's population is going to be committed to animal-lashing-out with guns ( as the 560-ish mass-shootings in the US in 2023 already carved in God's eye ).
"we can bring this under control" is entitlement-delusion.
MOST of humankind isn't going to invest in any such thing, because they're going to be fighting for their supremacism or dominion .. or even survival, against others who are fighting to subjugate/break/genocide them ...
and the privileged/entitled have such little influence on the global whole that this is, bluntly, making-believing on their part.
Segregation of authority FROM responsibility/accountability, won't permit its enemy, accountability/responsiblity, to interfere with its supremacism/dominion.
Just watch as it unfolds, & you'll see.
Economic rug-pull combined with all Muslims not voting for the Israel-genociding-Palestinians Biden regime ( don't tell me Hamas isn't also proven genocidal: they both are ) in 2024 means the Republicans wih 2024 through sufficient voter backlash,
and, once in, well, the law doesn't constrain them, does it?
They will crown their GEOTUS, and US's Civil War Part2 will pour out onto the continent.
His "deleting" ( his word ) the Constitution, because it interferes with his rule, his gutting of NATO, his backing of Russia,
none of that is even considered in the fluff that Al Gore is believing-in.
WAIT AND SEE, and let the EVIDENCE decide what history happened to be true.
You only have to wait until spring of 2025, to know if what I state here has all come true.