Tomorrow I'm donning a black robe and walking down to the server room with a newborn lamb and a knife. The gods of the rack shall have their sacrifice and I will beg for their mercy during these two weeks.
Regardless of the time of year everyone knows you don't push updates out on a Friday. If you have the same piece of code and one of them is pushed out on Wednesday and the other is pushed out on Friday, only the one pushed out on the Friday will have any bugs.
Oh but that's even more fun. Order it, delivery will be attempted at a closed office, and the toner will enter delivery limbo for a week, or eternity. But, you DID get it on order!
These last two weeks are hyper stressful in the tax accounting world. God forbid some rich dude misses the opportunity for a last minute tax dodge of a single dollar.
And by last minute, I mean last minute. I refuse to do so, but I know some of our guys will be in the office wheeling and dealing with client tax positions up to midnight on New Year's Eve.
Add that certain religious and cultural propensities negate any value for Christmas. Christmas Eve is fair game. That's a working day. The day after Christmas is a hard working day. The only reason Christmas Day sees no activity is that financial institutions are closed, preventing any transactions.
Somebody please find me and put me out of my misery in such manner that my life insurance will still pay out. Please. I'm begging you.
When I arrived at work, the office was still closed. I waited in the car for half an hour for a coworker with a key to show up. And I'll have to ask him if he is still around after lunch to let me back in again...