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Sea of Stars Reaching 4 mio player while Persona 5 series sold 10 mio copies

It doesn't happen that much at the end of the year anymore for jrpg's, so why not share this good message. Two jrpg's doesn't always sell that well, so it's nice to see this two milestones for Persona 5 and Sea of Stars.

Persona 5 source

Sea of Stars source

  • We just heard in June that the P5 series stood at 9 million, so it's likely that Tactica sold a little under a million copies. For a smaller project being sold at full price, that's pretty good numbers for a JRPG. I'm sure they are happy with it.

    • Ahh yes that could be the case. 1 mio is always good milestone for smaller projects.

  • Haven't played Sea of Stars yet, but I played Persona 5 a few months ago, great game!