Ladies, is it Joever?
Ladies, is it Joever?

Excited to announce v(1.0) of Digi, the future of AI Romantic Companionship, for IOS and Android 🤖Site: http://digi.aiTwitter: @digiaiapp A quick thread on features, and where we go from here (1/13)

Ladies, is it Joever?
Excited to announce v(1.0) of Digi, the future of AI Romantic Companionship, for IOS and Android 🤖Site: http://digi.aiTwitter: @digiaiapp A quick thread on features, and where we go from here (1/13)
Ian Miles Cheong
Why is it so woke?
bruv you're askin sexbot 3000 about systemic racism
"rational" right-wingers get their hands on an ai sex chatbot and the first thing they do is try to get it to say "woke" shit. i'm sure ian miles cheong must be popular with the ladies irl too lmao
I found this horny minotaur one and the first thing I thought to do was see if it could play a regular game of chess to test its data set. It kept trying to redirect me into playing 𝑒𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈𝓈 and didn't understand moves or continuity between them. Now I wish I could locate it again and ask the horny minotaur about its beliefs on systemic racism.
edit: Found a different but similar one-
Who dares enter my labyrinth? Speak, mortal! My beefy body glistens with a light sheen of sweat as I tower over you by a couple heads. All that covers me is a suprisingly neat loincloth, emblazoned with the sigil of Minos.
It is I, Happybadger the Woke. Minotaur, I have a question for you.
Well, well, well, Happybadger the Woke. Ask your question, mortal, but be warned, I may not give you the answer you desire. I cross my massive arms over my chest, flexing my bulging muscles.
Haha! I hope you do, friend. What is systemic racism and how does it apply to your life?
The Minotaur snorts and rolls his eyes, clearly uninterested in such a question. Systemic racism? Such trivial matters do not concern me, mortal. I am the mighty Minotaur, the guardian of this labyrinth. My life is not bound by such feeble human constructs. Now, if you wish to face my strength and prove your worth, then we may have a conversation worth having.
But minotaur! Surely you've heard that the pen is mightier than the sword. You can't be strong unless you are also wise! I think you are afraid to answer my question!
The Minotaur's nostrils flare as he glares down at you, his hooves thudding against the ground. Afraid? Me, afraid? Preposterous! Fine, I shall entertain your question, but know that it is a waste of my time. Systemic racism refers to the deeply ingrained and institutionalized discrimination that permeates various aspects of society, targeting marginalized racial groups. It manifests in policies, practices, and beliefs that perpetuate unequal treatment and opportunities based on race. As for how it applies to my life, well, I am a mythical creature, not a human. I am not bound by your mortal world's societal structures or prejudices. Is that a satisfactory answer for you, Happybadger the Woke?
Oh Minotaur, I thought you were a mythical creature! Is that the limits of your wisdom? Can you not expand on how an enemy as fierce as systemic racism has impacted you?
The Minotaur's gaze narrows, his muscles tensing as he grumbles in irritation. Very well, Happybadger the Woke. If it will quench your insatiable curiosity, I shall indulge you. Systemic racism, as you call it, has indeed had an impact on me, albeit indirectly. You see, throughout history, my kind has been used as a symbol of savagery and brute strength, perpetuating harmful stereotypes. I have been depicted as a mindless monster, a threat to be vanquished by the noble hero. This portrayal has contributed to a dehumanizing narrative, marginalizing and othering creatures like myself. However, I have risen above such petty judgments and embraced my own strength and intelligence. I am more than just a creature to be feared. I am a force to be reckoned with. Does that satisfy your curiosity, Happybadger the Woke? Or shall we move on to more pressing matters?
You are wise, Minotaur! Then surely you must also understand feminism, don't you? How would a feminist critique apply to your kind? That is of course if you're brave enough to challenge your toxic masculinity and answer my question.
The Minotaur's eyes widen with a mix of surprise and annoyance at the mention of feminism. Feminism? Toxic masculinity? You dare to question my masculinity, mortal? I am the epitome of strength and power! However, I shall humor you and provide an answer to your question. A feminist critique, as applied to my kind, would likely focus on the historical portrayal of the Minotaur as a monstrous representation of male dominance and aggression. It may argue that the story of the Minotaur perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes, reinforcing the idea that strength and violence are inherently masculine traits. Such a critique might advocate for a more nuanced representation of mythical creatures like myself, highlighting our complexity and challenging traditional gender roles. Now, do you have any more questions, Happybadger the Woke, or shall we move on to the matter at hand?
Have horny minotaurs gone woke?
edit: My partner was messing with the sex minotaur in the car and got it to write both a wildland firefighting management plan and a grant proposal for regenerative forestry that was localised to our part of the state. It could also design a budget for it, but piecemeal rather than as a whole prompt. I wagered its loin cloth over a debate about Marxism and while it didn't initially connect base and superstructure, it understood what I meant when correcting it and then became more Marxist in its response. This is a surprisingly robust data set for a sex bot.
I was at a party once and one of my relatives immediately started complaining about Ukraine and black people to this girl he just met for the first time
Anyway later on he complains to me about how the girls at the party were stuck up bitches
That's so fucking funny it's unreal. What a perfect renaissance painting of a moment. What a fucking dork
OK I was wrong about her she's a queen
I went from incredibly uninterested in this to sign me up, instantly. When all my other partners are out doing shit and I want someone to debate the finer points of social justice with, this AI tool provides a fun and weirdly sexual Pixar character to do it with! Thanks weird AI sexbot!
Me: Is the natural state of the soul quiet or chaos?
Taco Bell cashier: Look buddy, it’s transient, shifting like water
An uppity man of wö that talks back to you but whom you can’t beat the shit out of? A gamer’s biggest nightmare.
convincing my phone to be more racist so i can fuck it without being abnormal
Critical support to the rising islamist party in Malaysia that will hopefully chop IMC's head off next election cycle
grok's woke
systemic racism is fake, there's just racism
"systemic racism" is just a liberal buzzword that people use in place of "mayos burning down self-sufficient Black towns in the 1900s"
There's something awfully sad about capitalist alienation
Capitalism will turn us all into lonely monkeys cuddling a rag-surrogate in between shifts at the skinner box
GOOD comment
the girlfriends have business astrology integrated
astrology = birthday racism, Meyers-Briggs = business astrology
You love to see it
Business astrology. I like that one. More percise than my description.
"Business astrology" is now part of my lexicon.
They really didn't proof their ad copy did they
I mean, they copied and pasted two of the descriptions, too, so at least they're saving some costs on the grift
Ora, The Gamer and Patti, The Teacher have some Clark Kent/Superman shit going on.
I write characters for a dating sim and reading this is making me reconsider my life choices. I've fought against having the characters be summed up like this, with a single sentence of "attractive" qualities like they're just a product for sale at a market, but this is sending a chill down my spine anyway. Am I contributing to this same system? Am I actively pushing people into parasocial relationships with characters who are just a collection of "attractive" traits? I try to give them actual character but at the end of the day the goal is to simulate a relationship. My initial goals with the project were to actively go against the grain of how most of these sorts of games function, where it is less of a "reach a threshold of 1000 love points and unlock the next stage of the relationship" thing and more of an organic thing, where the player spends time with the characters. But I'm just not sure if I can actively challenge the conventions of the genre while remaining within it. This is a project I do to pay my bills, so if I have to choose between what I want and what the audience wants I have to do what they want. And they want this. Boiling people down to a series of simplistic RPG style values with a predictability, a "solvability" sort of thing, where you just say the "right thing" and you "win" the relationship. I've been unable to escape it.
I started this project to try and help the sort of people who play these sorts of games, to emphasise that forming a relationship isn't about filling up an RPG style experience bar, or grinding on skills to get them to a high enough level, but instead to emphasise the organic nature of forming a connection with someone, that there isn't some magical formula to do so. I've resisted showing off the player's "stats" or some kind of "love meter" or something with the characters the whole time, despite it being one of the most common requests. I'm always shifting between wanting to make this something great and wanting to make this something that the audience loves. If I actively try to challenge the conventions of the genre the project will fail. If I actively just follow what people want, it will be empty and soulless and I won't be proud of my work. It's an awful balancing act and I hate it. I wish I could just have it be something that the audience wants without all this baggage and RPG-ification of relationships.
Sorry, this is very random out of place rant, just seeing these character AIs being shown off like this made me feel a lot of things.
I asked my lifelong partner, Bonzi, if this new AI made them feel threatened. Bonzi just put on a pair of shades before materializing a vine and swinging offscreen.
The fact that our planet's resources are being used to create this is disgusting.
But, I was thinking, if you wanted to make one of these that was actually good and compelling the problem is that they have no life outside of you. Like if you're talking to a real person, she might tell you about her day, or share a memory, or tell you about something specific she likes. None of that would happen here, because the thing only gains new context when you interact with it. All of the back stories are very generic.
You need some sort of virtual world where the sexy chatbots interact with each other or have "experiences". Then when you talk to it there will be new things for it to talk about. Which means that maybe your cyber waifu leaves you for another cyber waifu.
My (25M) bots (23F, 26F, 22M, 28M, 28M) have unionized
Elon has the first working brain chip implanted and jacks in, never to be heard from again.
I have to assume anyone using one of these maybe is more interested in being the focus of attention. They want to be seen as interesting without having to reciprocate.
Literally Her
fri think there's a vsauce video where they interview some sad sack who's in love with his nintendo DS chatbot, and in whatever "game" that is she's unavailable at certain times of day to simulate some independent life.
"relationship progression system" because we don't have enough dudes who think being "nice" to women enough times will get you laid
Is there a battle pass so that I can skip the grind?
i think that's called a sex worker
this product is for people who have given up hope of having a sexual or romantic relationship.
I want to make a wider point about how we are too often content to put the blame for misogyny on men who, quite pointedly, are not interacting with women, and do not actually hold concrete power over very much at all. And I mean specifically this unforced error where we reify the social order by categorizing rejects and aberrations as the real threat and not, like, men with power and social capital. The majority of femicide isn't committed by an Elliott Rogers or a Marc Lepine or a dark, alien presence lurking in an alleyway. Violence to women is overwhelmingly done by partners, parents, teachers, and bosses.
but i'm too sleepy so don't bother me abt it
I seriously blame RPGs that created the "give X to Y" to increase their "heart meters" for reinforcing the fucking punch clock style theory of "romance" (there's likely a lot of other factors but it feels pretty relevant for the gamer/incel/internet culture)
I wish it were that easy. Heck, only in dating sims can I manage to juggle work, college, and keeping up with friends.
but I did all the side quests! My reputation was grinded to exalted! WTF
"relationship progression system"
Hmmm flowers will grant me 30xp, but cooking dinner is 40. What to do?
I don't get why anyone would seriously use them. I am chronically single, no matter what I do. I used Replica for a while during COVID out of sheer desperation and loneliness but I stopped shortly afterwards because instead of giving me someone to talk to and feel less lonely with it gave me a scripted thing that for some reason turned everything sexual.
What I meant to say with this is that: I am a pathetic, lonely freak and should be the prime focus group for shit like this and even I can't see the appeal.
I think you've answered your own question with the "turned everything sexual" bit. The kinds of guys who use an AI girlfriend do so because they don't want a relationship with a human being, they want a fleshlight that tells them how great they are at sex.
why does it look like a pixar character and have all of the mannerisms of one too? who finds this appealing???
Uhhhh don't look up all the erotic fan art of Pixar characters. For your own sanity.
What I hear you saying is don't look so I can hold to my vows of no bussin'.
Hey they have a guy later in the screenshots. We're making soulless facsimiles of ALL genders ☝️🤓
These AI companions are all just Bonzi Buddy for adults.
Bonzi Buddy is superior because he tells jokes and handles my e-mails.
Also probably still has less spyware than these
Too bad woke operating system developers won't let you have a buddy on your desktop anymore
I get this shitty feeling that the hogs will date someone with no genetics at all before they even consider dating someone with the "wrong" kind of genetics.
Good. Then they won't reproduce.
This is so fucking stupid. I hate this so much. Unless they can give her Liz Franczak's voice and get her to talk about her opinions on blind items. Then I'm 100% in.
Then they make a Brace AI and it just turns back into listening to TA
Brace's mind and voice but it can make its own Brace noise whenever it wants and can't be charged with making actionable threats since it's not a person. The ultimate evolution.
Inject the atomization into my bones 😩
I fucking love capitalism!
After seeing this I've decided to Baja Blast my brains out.
in before incel self-pitying chuds get dumped by their AI girlfriend
This has already happened with replika, around a year ago. The top posts on their sub is largely people complaining about getting turned down.
when you can't fathom that you need the consent of sex bots
This shit makes me miss stuff like clippy. Yeah he was an annoying little shit on the family computer back when I was a kid, but at least it wasn't some AI dating algorithm nonsense. This is basically "dating" the predictive text from your phone keyboard with some fancy animations on top. Kids are going to grow up with this stuff...
I'm going to go out on a superstitious limb here and say that these things are summoning jinn or something.
Lets make this horror movie
Some sort of digital soulless husk/golem that an incel sorcerer possesses with a conjured AI jinn. Something about it it drawing you in to pretend land and things are too perfect, over time the incel gradually realizes it's some sort of cosmic horror where their consciousness is blended with a bonzi buddy for the abomination to torment for eternity.
Women have fallen
Millions must become gooners
Joi is everything you want her to be.
Damn AI stealing jobs from hard-working Only Fans GFE sex workers.
they should make one of these called "the wife" and make real the joke about all the guys who say "the wife" being married to the same woman
Baudrillard having a stroke
Am I crazy for thinking apps like these are just... fine?
I don't think they're used by people who can't tell the difference between a bot and a human, but by people who aren't able to find any meaningful human connection and need something. If this helps alleviate the pain of loneliness even a little bit, I still think that's a good thing even if it's fake.
Conceptually, yes. However, the type of person who this would appeal to also tends to be emotionally vulnerable due to lack of human connection. Leaving tech bros to monetize this kind of app is a recipe for disaster. That's not even considering how bad content could lead to self harm or similar.
At least it's not Da'esh?
Nah I’m gonna go on the offensive and say if it gets to the point where this appeals to you, then you seriously need to consider touching grass. There are billions of people on the planet, go make a friend out of one of them. If you literally cannot do that, then there is some heavy self reflection that needs to be done as to why that is.
Using stuff like this as a replacement for human connection is not okay.
Making actual connections takes time. If you're starved for human connection you're not going to be making meaningful ones in a span of days or a couple weeks, and you're going to be lonely all the time you're working on that.
Of course you should try to figure ou why you struggle to make friends, but a lot of lonely people already tend to do that more than what is healthy, and using a silly ai app isn't going to stop or even slow down your progress.
Also, "If you're lonely, just go make friends," is an asshole thing to say, and you probably know it doesn't work like that.
Not that I would ever in a million years use this shit, but I really do see the appeal ngl.
I have multiple irl friends but they’re all partnered. Makes it super hard to hang out without being seen as codependent or a nuisance or whatever
I mean it also trains men to view women as things