The map quadrangles in Jezero are informally named after Earth based national parks or preserves. The assigned map name will then form the 'theme' for naming targets of interest within that map
The map quadrangles in Jezero are informally named after Earth based national parks or preserves. The assigned map name will then form the 'theme' for naming targets of interest within that map
Jezero crater has been divided into more than one hundred map quadrangles to aid geological mapping. Each of these square areas of interest spans 0.025 degrees in latitude by 0.025 degrees in longitude, each quadrangle measures about 1.5 kilometers square or about 1.22 x 1.22 km. (0.75 x 0.75 miles)
The map quadrangles in the crater are informally named after Earth based national parks or preserves. The assigned map name will then form the 'theme' for naming targets of interest within that map.