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  • We Millennials were born in a sweet spot where PCs were widespread enough to be virtually in every house since childhood but also not too streamlined and simplified.

    We had a pc that sometimes didn't work properly, we had to use the command line from time to time, troubleshoot and look up errors. When something fails we try to find out why and only after a while we give up and claim it's an error or look for help.

    Also you know, stupid people are in every generation.

  • Meh. Being young, ignorant and willing to learn in a new job is very different that being old, proudly ignorant and refusing to adapt to how your current job evolved.

  • wut is (z, b)oomer. all users are usually dumb. if you are average half are dumber than you

  • It's a work PC. And for the users work PCs operate entirely different from all other similar OS machines they know from private life.

  • I'm mostly afraid of these people will end up being teachers, mentors and managers for my future kids... I'll need to do so much home schooling but at least that'll hopefully only make me bond better with my kids.