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UPnP issues

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The original was posted on /r/homenetworking by /u/StocktonTakos on 2023-12-07 06:00:18+00:00.

I just recently switched my internet provider to connext fiber. Everything in my house is working fine but when my son tries to use his Xbox it’s getting a UPnP not available and throwing strict NAT type. Is there a special setting inside my nighthawk RAX120 that would help this issue? I have never had issues before the fiber with his Xbox connecting. The fiber line connects to a little box that I have ran cat 6 from to the back of my nighthawk in the internet port. I didn’t change any of the settings on my router page from what it was before with comcast and I’m curious if different settings need to be changed for fiber? I’ve tried the basic trouble shooting and even port forwarding the Xbox but I can’t get anything to work. Any help would be appreciated.