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Queensland's rental authority has not prosecuted a landlord or agent for more than two years Queensland's rental authority has not prosecuted a landlord or agent for more than two years

Queenslandโ€™s powerful rental regulator is accused of going soft on law-breaking landlords and letting down tenants โ€” who it is designed to protect.

Queensland's rental authority has not prosecuted a landlord or agent for more than two years

The authority investigated 549 alleged offences by landlords, owners and agents in 2021-22, and upheld 392, or about 70 per cent with no prosecutions launched during that time.

It also handled around 40,000 disputes between renters and agents or landlords over the past two financial years.

The RTA has not successfully prosecuted a single case or issued any fines for bad behaviour by landlords and agents over the same period.

Am I reading this wrong, or is the RTA basically just sending strongly worded emails and hoping for the best?

Seems if you're a landlord its best to just rip everyone off and gamble on getting away with it... with zero prosecutions in 2 years the worst that seems to happen is someone asks you politely to do the right thing :-\