Er... nope. The one on plagerism? YouTube has recommended it to me a couple of times. (I just watched the roblox off sound video the other day, though.) I guess I'll put that on my short list. I assume I'll find out that Internet Historian committed a lot of plagerism in creating that "Man In Cave" video I linked?
Well that sucks. Internet Historian's entertaining, but I'm not going to be bale to feel good about watching his stuff if that's the case.
most of the video is about someone else. the video is split into sections so you can get to the "cave story" section immediately if you're curious about that part. that section is about 25 minutes and worth watching (although I'd say the whole thing is interesting anyway). the section starts around 1h25m if you can't see sections for some reason.
if you still want a tldw: the entire "documentary" was plagiarized, almost word for word, including the narrative structure.