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WaPo Tells Women: If You Want Marriage, Compromise With Misogyny WaPo Tells Women: If You Want Marriage, Compromise With Misogyny

Since it's Democrats who say they won't date Republicans, the Washington Post suggests it's young liberal women who need to "compromise."

WaPo Tells Women: If You Want Marriage, Compromise With Misogyny
  • The headline is a lie. I wish I could trust to be honest, but they are being ... unfair. WaPo gives the male/female liberal/conservative ratios and rightly concludes that the numbers don't match. At no point do they say which sex should compromise. Here's what they say:

    As the researchers Lyman Stone and Brad Wilcox have noted, about 1 in 5 young singles will have little choice but to marry someone outside their ideological tribe. The other option is that they decline to get married at all ā€” not an ideal outcome considering the data showing that marriage is good for the health of societies and individuals alike. (This, of course, is on average; marriage isnā€™t for everyone. Nor is staying in a physically or emotionally abusive marriage ever the right choice. But, on the whole, while politically mixed couples report somewhat lower levels of satisfaction than same-party couples, they are still likely to be happier than those who remain single.)

    I'm not saying that the Washington Post should be trusted on all things, or that we should forget that it can act as a billionaire influencer project, but I DO think we should expect to be more credible than to make up such misleading click-bait headlines.

    • Also from the article:

      A cultural shift might be necessary ā€” one that views politics as a part of peopleā€™s identity but far from the most important part. Americansā€™ ability to live together, quite literally, might depend on it.

      Their suggestion to enact a cultural shift that deprioritizes politics does not actually address the problems with being a chud (the misogyny being one component of that), thus having to compromise/make peace with it is the logical conclusion of their suggestion. Compromise in general suggests that both sides of a dispute are making concessions towards each other, when in reality it's the chuds who need to stop being ghouls. This would also fall in line with the larger media trend of telling liberals to move to the right. The WaPo article itself is more subtle about this than explicit, but I do not think the headline of the FAIR article is inaccurate.

      • Also from the article:

        A cultural shift might be necessary ā€” one that views politics as a part of peopleā€™s identity but far from the most important part. Americansā€™ ability to live together, quite literally, might depend on it.

        Their suggestion to enact a cultural shift that deprioritizes politics does not actually address the problems with being a chud (the misogyny being one component of that), thus having to compromise/make peace with it is the logical conclusion of their suggestion.

        Exactly. It's the same shit of "People are so polarized these days! Why can't they put politics aside and get along?" when the "politics" in question are where one group thinks entire swathes of people shouldn't be allowed to exist and are working diligently to strip up of our civil and human rights. That's not a difference of opinion, and there's not two sides here to compromise.

        And wrt marriage, if a large group of men are going down alt-right/MRA/etc. rabbit holes, then it's not the fault of potential partners to be completely put off by that. It's not a difference of opinion, its a difference of morality.

      • I do not think the headline of the FAIR article is inaccurate.

        Bullshit. At no point does the article tell women to compromise with misogyny. That is what the (un)fair title says and that is a lie.

        That said, I do agree that there are subtle messages throughout society that women ought to do the compromising, 'boys will be boys' and all kinds of other BS. It is wrong, it ought to change, it is there. Still, it isn't fair to make all those implications and accusations the fault and sole responsibility of the Washington Post. Regarding political 'sides', the WaPo piece pointed out:

        Unfortunately, Americans have not equipped themselves to discuss, debate and reason across these divides. Americans have increasingly sorted themselves according to ideological orientation. They are working, living and socializing with people who think the same things they do.

        Can we agree that sensationalistic media coverage is generally a bad thing? I remember a time before FOX -- a time when journalism was supposed to be unbiased -- and the headline here is just as bad as some of mis-spun crap I've seen there (like referring to undocumented as 'criminals' to promote the idea that cities are not safe).

      • I see what you're saying. It's definitely bullshit to accept compromise at the moment. Like I said in another reply I don't see anything about them saying a particular gender should make a particular compromise but the idea of compromising with fascists is not okay. I see how they're trying to nudge the reader rightwards.


    • Agreed. Just read the article on

      Because wasn't working. Looks like the Fair article is relying on people not being determined enough to get past the paywall and read/think for themselves.(an assumption, granted)

      The way the article is written, I believe one's bias going into the article would more likely determine which gender you think needs to compromise than anything about the article says. My feeling is that the men had best get their heads on straight unless they want to be basement dwelling and involuntarily celebrate. Maybe that's just me.

      Ninja edit: I agree with other statements about wapo pushing the reader rightwards.

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