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PBS to remote storage

Can anyone share if they are using PBS with remote backup storage only? I’d like to backup directly to an offsite location, so no backing up to a local drive and then syncing that to remote…

What are your considerations for restoring? I am hesitant to use PBS (on the same machine as my PVE) because with my current solution (restic), I only need to install PVE on a new machine and in addition, I’d need the static binary - and then I’m good to restore. If I’d use PBS, then I’d need to first install PVE, then PBS and only then I can restore…

  • I tried that, it didn't seem to work very well over a WAN link. Maybe it's gotten better, but I went back to a cheap old desktop AIO with a local drive, then had it remote sync to the offsite.

    I guess it depends how you want to do it, but having a local copy of the backup to quickly restore from at LAN speeds seems better to me anyway, and I've certainly used it because it was available and easy. The remote sync is for the building burning down.

  • I have a dedicated server for PVE and another one for PBS, and by linking the PBS storage on the PVE server I can backup and also restore my LXC/VM from PBS. I also have 1 local backup copy on the PVE server for my really important services (DNS, Proxy, etc..) to allow quicker restauration of these services.