How are you doing today? 04-12-2023
How are you doing today? 04-12-2023
How are you doing today? 04-12-2023
Very mid. But mid is good.
Good mindset!
Yeah always look on the good enough some of life. :)
On a positive note, I just got my Pixel 5A back from the repair shop, they were able to successfully reball the CPU. Now I'm stress testing the phone to see if I can reproduce the intermittent crashing/screen failure. On a positive note, the phone has been on continuously for 63 hours which is longer than before.
At this point, the repair shop didn't make it worse, I suppose I will build confidence over the course of several days before I can say it's actually resolved.
Sitting in the central jury room waiting for instructions in awe at the various and sundry sounds people make.
Wow, enjoy! Seems like a unique experience