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🦌 - 2023 DAY 2 SOLUTIONS -🦌

Day 2: Cube Conundrum

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as or pastebin (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


🔒This post will be unlocked when there is a decent amount of submissions on the leaderboard to avoid cheating for top spots

🔓 Edit: Post has been unlocked after 6 minutes

  • Found a C per-char solution, that is, no lines, splitting, lookahead, etc. It wasn't even necessary to keep match lengths for the color names because they all have unique characters, e.g. 'b' only occurs in "blue" so then you can attribute the count to that color.

    int main()
    	int p1=0,p2=0, id=1,num=0, r=0,g=0,b=0, c;
    	while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
    		if (c==',' || c==';' || c==':') num = 0; else
    		if (c>='0' && c<='9') num = num*10 + c-'0'; else
    		if (c=='d') r = MAX(r, num); else
    		if (c=='g') g = MAX(g, num); else
    		if (c=='b') b = MAX(b, num); else
    		if (c=='\n') {
    			p1 += (r<=12 && g<=13 && b<=14) * id;
    			p2 += r*g*b;
    			r=g=b=0; id++;
    	printf("%d %d\n", p1, p2);
    	return 0;


    =b=0:0;printf("%d %d\n",p,P);}
  • Rust

    Pretty straightforward this time, the bulk of the work was clearly in parsing the input.

  • Not too tricky today. Part 2 wasn't as big of a curveball as yesterday thankfully. I don't think it's the cleanest code I've ever written, but hey - the whole point of this is to get better at Rust, so I'll definitely be learning as I go, and coming back at the end to clean a lot of these up. I think for this one I'd like to look into a parsing crate like nom to clean up all the spliting and unwrapping in the two from() methods.

    struct Hand {
        blue: usize,
        green: usize,
        red: usize,
    impl Hand {
        fn from(input: &str) -> Hand {
            let mut hand = Hand {
                blue: 0,
                green: 0,
                red: 0,
            for color in input.split(", ") {
                let color = color.split_once(' ').unwrap();
                match color.1 {
                    "blue" => = color.0.parse::().unwrap(),
                    "green" => = color.0.parse::().unwrap(),
                    "red" => = color.0.parse::().unwrap(),
                    _ => unreachable!("malformed input"),
    struct Game {
        id: usize,
        hands: Vec,
    impl Game {
        fn from(input: &str) -> Game {
            let (id, hands) = input.split_once(": ").unwrap();
            let id = id.split_once(" ").unwrap().1.parse::().unwrap();
            let hands = hands.split("; ").map(Hand::from).collect();
            Game { id, hands }
    pub struct Day02;
    impl Solver for Day02 {
        fn star_one(&self, input: &str) -> String {
                .filter(|game| {
                        .all(|hand| <= 14 && <= 13 && <= 12)
        fn star_two(&self, input: &str) -> String {
                .map(|game| {
                    let max_blue = game.hands.iter().map(|hand|;
                    let max_green = game.hands.iter().map(|hand|;
                    let max_red = game.hands.iter().map(|hand|;
                    max_blue * max_green * max_red
  • Ruby

    Second part was soooo much easier today than yesterday. Helps I solved it exactly how he wanted you to solve it I think.

    I'm going to work on some code golf now.

    Golfed P2 down to 133 characters:

  • This was mostly straightforward... basically just parsing input. Here are my condensed solutions in Python

    Part 1
    Game = dict[str, int]
    RED_MAX   = 12
    GREEN_MAX = 13
    BLUE_MAX  = 14
    def read_game(stream=sys.stdin) -> Game:
            game_string, cubes_string = stream.readline().split(':')
        except ValueError:
            return {}
        game: Game = defaultdict(int)
        game['id'] = int(game_string.split()[-1])
        for cubes in cubes_string.split(';'):
            for cube in cubes.split(','):
                count, color = cube.split()
                game[color] = max(game[color], int(count))
        return game
    def read_games(stream=sys.stdin) -> Iterator[Game]:
        while game := read_game(stream):
            yield game
    def is_valid_game(game: Game) -> bool:
        return all([
            game['red']   <= RED_MAX,
            game['green'] <= GREEN_MAX,
            game['blue']  <= BLUE_MAX,
    def main(stream=sys.stdin) -> None:
        valid_games = filter(is_valid_game, read_games(stream))
        sum_of_ids  = sum(game['id'] for game in valid_games)
    Part 2

    For the second part, the main parsing remainded the same. I just had to change what I did with the games I read.

    def power(game: Game) -> int:
        return game['red'] * game['green'] * game['blue']
    def main(stream=sys.stdin) -> None:
        sum_of_sets = sum(power(game) for game in read_games(stream))

    GitHub Repo

  • Factor on github (with comments and imports):

    : known-color ( color-phrases regexp -- n )
      all-matching-subseqs [ 0 ] [
        [ split-words first string>number ] map-supremum
      ] if-empty
    : line>known-rgb ( str -- game-id known-rgb )
      ": " split1 [ split-words last string>number ] dip
      R/ \d+ red/ R/ \d+ green/ R/ \d+ blue/
      [ known-color ] tri-curry@ tri 3array
    : possible? ( known-rgb test-rgb -- ? )
      v<= [ ] all?
    : part1 ( -- )
      "vocab:aoc-2023/day02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      [ line>known-rgb 2array ]
      [ last { 12 13 14 } possible? ] map-filter
      [ first ] map-sum .
    : part2 ( -- )
      "vocab:aoc-2023/day02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      [ line>known-rgb nip product ] map-sum .
  • I had some time, so here's a terrible solution in Uiua (Run it here) :

    Lim ← [14 13 12]
    {"Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green"
     "Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue"
     "Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red"
     "Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red"
     "Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green"}
    LtoDec ← ∧(+ ×10:) :0
    StoDec ← LtoDec▽≥0. ▽≤9. -@0
    FilterMax! ← /↥≡(StoDec⊢↙ ¯1)⊔⊏⊚≡(/×^1⊢).⊔
    # Build 'map' of draws for each game
    ∵(□≡(∵(⬚@\s↙2 ⊔) ⇌) ↯¯1_2 ↘ 2⊜□≠@\s . ⊔)
    # Only need the max for each colour
    ≡(⊂⊂⊃⊃(FilterMax!(="bl")) (FilterMax!(="gr")) (FilterMax!(="re")))
    # part 1 - Compare against limits, and sum game numbers
    /+▽:+1⇡⧻. ≡(/×≤0-Lim).
    # part 2 - Multiply the maxes in each game and then sum.
  • Today in Zig

    Spent most of the time running down annoying typos in the tokenizer.

  • String parsing! Always fun in C!

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
    	char ln[256], *sr,*srd,*s;
    	int p1=0,p2=0, id, r,g,b;
    	for (id=1; (sr = fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), stdin)); id++) {
    		strsep(&sr, ":");
    		r = g = b = 0;
    		while ((srd = strsep(&sr, ";")))
    		while ((s = strsep(&srd, ",")))
    			if (strchr(s, 'd')) r = MAX(r, atoi(s)); else
    			if (strchr(s, 'g')) g = MAX(g, atoi(s)); else
    			if (strchr(s, 'b')) b = MAX(b, atoi(s));
    		p1 += (r <= 12 && g <= 13 && b <= 14) * id;
    		p2 += r * g * b;
    	printf("%d %d\n", p1, p2);
    	return 0;
  • Dart solution

    Quite straightforward, though there's a sneaky trap in the test data for those of us who don't read the rules carefully enough.

    Read, run and edit this solution in your browser:

    parseLine(String s) {
      var game = s.split(': ');
      var num = int.parse(game.first.split(' ').last);
      var rounds = game.last.split('; ');
      var cubes = [
        for (var (e) in rounds)
            for (var ee in e.split(', '))
              ee.split(' ').last: int.parse(ee.split(' ').first)
      return MapEntry(num, cubes);
    /// collects the max of the counts from both maps.
    Map merge2(Map a, Map b) => {
          for (var k in {...a.keys, ...b.keys}) k: max(a[k] ?? 0, b[k] ?? 0)
    var limit = {"red": 12, "green": 13, "blue": 14};
    bool isGood(Map test) =>
        limit.entries.every((e) => (test[e.key] ?? 0) <= e.value);
    part1(List lines) => lines
        .where((e) => e.value.every(isGood))
        .map((e) => e.key)
    part2(List lines) => lines
        .map((e) => e.value.reduce(merge2))
        .map((e) => e.values.reduce((s, t) => s * t))
  • My (awful) Python solves. Much easier than day 1's, although I did run into an issue with trimming whitespace characters with my approach (Game 96 wouldn't flag properly).

    Part 1
    with open('02A_input.txt', 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    for game in data:
        # Find Game number
        game = game.removeprefix("Game ")
        gameNumber = int(game[0:game.find(":")])
        # Break Game into rounds (split using semicolons)
        # For each round, determine the maximum number of Red, Blue, Green items shown at a time
        for round in rounds:
            for combo in combos:
                number=int(combo[0:combo.find(" ")])
                if combo.endswith("red"):
                    if number>rgb[0]:
                elif combo.endswith("green"):
                    if number>rgb[1]:
                elif combo.endswith("blue"):
                    if number>rgb[2]:
        # If Red>12, Green>13, Blue>14, append Game number to possibleGames
        if not (rgb[0]>12 or rgb[1]>13 or rgb[2]>14):
    Part 2
    with open('02A_input.txt', 'r') as file:
        data = file.readlines()
    for game in data:
        # Find Game number
        game = game.removeprefix("Game ")
        # Break Game into rounds (split using semicolons)
        # For each round, determine the maximum number of Red, Blue, Green items shown at a time
        # Note: This could be faster, since we don't need to worry about actual rounds
        for round in rounds:
            for combo in combos:
                number=int(combo[0:combo.find(" ")])
                if combo.endswith("red"):
                    if number>rgb[0]:
                elif combo.endswith("green"):
                    if number>rgb[1]:
                elif combo.endswith("blue"):
                    if number>rgb[2]:
        # Multiple R, G, B to find the "power" of the game
        # Append Power to the list
  • Was pretty simple in Python with a regex to get the game number, and then the count of color. for part 2 instead of returning true/false whether the game is valid, you just max the count per color. No traps like in the first one, that I've seen, so it was surprisingly easy

    def process_game(line: str):
        game_id = int(re.findall(r'game (\d+)*', line)[0])
        colon_idx = line.index(":")
        draws = line[colon_idx+1:].split(";")
        # print(draws)
        if is_game_valid(draws):
            # print("Game %d is possible"%game_id)
            return game_id
        return 0
    def is_game_valid(draws: list):
        for draw in draws:
            red = get_nr_of_in_draw(draw, 'red')
            if red > MAX_RED:
                return False
            green = get_nr_of_in_draw(draw, 'green')
            if green > MAX_GREEN:
                return False
            blue = get_nr_of_in_draw(draw, 'blue')
            if blue > MAX_BLUE:
                return False    
        return True
    def get_nr_of_in_draw(draw: str, color: str):
        if color in draw:
            nr = re.findall(r'(\d+) '+color, draw)
            return int(nr[0])
        return 0
    # f = open("input.txt", "r")
    f = open("input_real.txt", "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    sum = 0
    for line in lines:
        sum += process_game(line.strip().lower())
    print("Answer: %d"%sum)
  • Mostly an input parsing problem this time, but it was fun to use Hares tokenizer functions:

    -- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Jummit
    -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
    local colors = {"blue", "red", "green"}
    local available = {red = 12, blue = 14, green = 13}
    local possible = 0
    local id = 0
    local min = 0
    for game in"2.input"):lines() do
      id = id + 1
      game = game:gsub("Game %d+: ", "").."; "
      local max = {red = 0, blue = 0, green = 0}
      for show in game:gmatch(".-; ") do
        for _, color in ipairs(colors) do
          local num = tonumber(show:match("(%d+) "..color))
          if num then
            max[color] = math.max(max[color], num)
      min = min + * *
      local thisPossible = true
      for _, color in ipairs(colors) do
        if max[color] > available[color] then
          thisPossible = false
      if thisPossible then
        possible = possible + id
    // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Jummit
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
    use strconv;
    use types;
    use strings;
    use io;
    use bufio;
    use os;
    use fmt;
    const available: []uint = [12, 13, 14];
    fn color_id(color: str) const uint = {
    	switch (color) {
    	case "red" => return 0;
    	case "green" => return 1;
    	case "blue" => return 2;
    	case => abort();
    export fn main() void = {
    	const file = os::open("2.input")!;
    	defer io::close(file)!;
    	const scan = bufio::newscanner(file, types::SIZE_MAX);
    	let possible: uint = 0;
    	let min: uint = 0;
    	for (let id = 1u; true; id += 1) {
    		const line = match(bufio::scan_line(&scan)!) {
    		case io::EOF =>
    		case let line: const str =>
    			yield strings::sub(
    					strings::index(line, ": ") as size + 2,
    		let max: []uint = [0, 0, 0];
    		let tok = strings::rtokenize(line, "; ");
    		for (true) {
    			const show = match(strings::next_token(&tok)) {
    			case void =>
    			case let show: str =>
    				yield show;
    			const pairs = strings::tokenize(show, ", ");
    			for (true) {
    				const pair: (str, str) = match(strings::next_token(&pairs)) {
    				case void =>
    				case let pair: str =>
    					let tok = strings::tokenize(pair, " ");
    					yield (
    						strings::next_token(&tok) as str,
    						strings::next_token(&tok) as str
    				let color = color_id(pair.1);
    				let amount = strconv::stou(pair.0)!;
    				if (amount > max[color]) max[color] = amount;
    		if (max[0] <= available[0] && max[1] <= available[1] && max[2] <= available[2]) {
    			fmt::printfln("{}", id)!;
    			possible += id;
    		min += max[0] * max[1] * max[2];
    	fmt::printfln("{}", possible)!;
    	fmt::printfln("{}", min)!;
  • Done in C# Input parsing done with a mixture of splits and Regex (no idea why everyone hates it?) capture groups.

    I have overbuilt for both days, but not tripped on any of the 'traps' in the input data - generally expecting the input to be worse than it is... too used to actual data from users

    Input Parsing (common)

    public class Day2RoundInput { private Regex gameNumRegex = new Regex("[a-z]* ([0-9]*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        public Day2RoundInput(string gameString)
            var colonSplit = gameString.Trim().Split(':', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var match = gameNumRegex.Match(colonSplit[0].Trim());
            var gameNumberString = match.Groups[1].Value;
            GameNumber = int.Parse(gameNumberString.Trim());
            HandfulsOfCubes = new List();
            var roundsSplit = colonSplit[1].Trim().Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (var round in roundsSplit)
                HandfulsOfCubes.Add(new HandfulCubes(round));
        public int GameNumber { get; set; }
        public List HandfulsOfCubes { get; set; }
        public class HandfulCubes
            private Regex colourRegex = new Regex("([0-9]*) (red|green|blue)");
            public HandfulCubes(string roundString)
                var colourCounts = roundString.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var colour in colourCounts)
                    var matches = colourRegex.Matches(colour.Trim());
                    foreach (Match match in matches)
                        var captureOne = match.Groups[1];
                        var count = int.Parse(captureOne.Value.Trim());
                        var captureTwo = match.Groups[2];
                        switch (captureTwo.Value.Trim().ToLower())
                            case "red":
                                RedCount = count;
                            case "green":
                                GreenCount = count;
                            case "blue":
                                BlueCount = count;
                            default: throw new Exception("uh oh");
            public int RedCount { get; set; }
            public int GreenCount { get; set; }
            public int BlueCount { get; set; }

    internal class Day2Task1:IRunnable { public void Run() { var inputs = GetInputs();

            var maxAllowedRed = 12;
            var maxAllowedGreen = 13;
            var maxAllowedBlue = 14;
            var allowedGameIdSum = 0;
            foreach ( var game in inputs ) { 
                var maxRed = game.HandfulsOfCubes.Select(h => h.RedCount).Max();
                var maxGreen = game.HandfulsOfCubes.Select(h => h.GreenCount).Max();
                var maxBlue = game.HandfulsOfCubes.Select(h => h.BlueCount).Max();
                if ( maxRed <= maxAllowedRed && maxGreen <= maxAllowedGreen && maxBlue <= maxAllowedBlue) 
                    allowedGameIdSum += game.GameNumber;
                    Console.WriteLine("Game:" + game.GameNumber + " allowed");
                    Console.WriteLine("Game:" + game.GameNumber + "not allowed");
            Console.WriteLine("Sum:" + allowedGameIdSum.ToString());
        private List GetInputs()
            List inputs = new List();
            var textLines = File.ReadAllLines("Days/Two/Day2Input.txt");
            foreach (var line in textLines)
                inputs.Add(new Day2RoundInput(line));
            return inputs;

    internal class Day2Task2:IRunnable { public void Run() { var inputs = GetInputs();

            var result = 0;
            foreach ( var game in inputs ) {
                var maxRed = game.HandfulsOfCubes.Select(h => h.RedCount).Max();
                var maxGreen = game.HandfulsOfCubes.Select(h => h.GreenCount).Max();
                var maxBlue = game.HandfulsOfCubes.Select(h => h.BlueCount).Max();
                var power = maxRed*maxGreen*maxBlue;
                Console.WriteLine("Game:" + game.GameNumber + " Result:" + power.ToString());
                result += power;
            Console.WriteLine("Day2 Task2 Result:" + result.ToString());
        private List GetInputs()
            List inputs = new List();
            var textLines = File.ReadAllLines("Days/Two/Day2Input.txt");
            //var textLines = File.ReadAllLines("Days/Two/Day2ExampleInput.txt");
            foreach (var line in textLines)
                inputs.Add(new Day2RoundInput(line));
            return inputs;
  • C# - a tad bit overkill for this. I was worried that we'd need more statistical analysis in part 2, so I designed my solution around that. I ended up cutting everything back when Max() was enough for both parts.

  • A solution in Nim language. Pretty straightforward code. Most logic is just parsing input + a bit of functional utils: allIt checks if all items in a list within limits to check if game is possible and mapIt collects red, green, blue cubes from each set of game.

    import std/[strutils, strformat, sequtils]
    type AOCSolution[T] = tuple[part1: T, part2: T]
      GameSet = object
        red, green, blue: int
      Game = object
        id: int
        sets: seq[GameSet]
    const MaxSet = GameSet(red: 12, green: 13, blue: 14)
    func parseGame(input: string): Game = = input.split({':', ' '})[1].parseInt()
      let sets = input.split(": ")[1].split("; ").mapIt(it.split(", "))
      for gSet in sets:
        var gs = GameSet()
        for pair in gSet:
            pair = pair.split()
            cCount = pair[0].parseInt
            cName = pair[1]
          case cName:
          of "red":
   = cCount
          of "green":
   = cCount
          of "blue":
   = cCount
        result.sets.add gs
    func isPossible(g: Game): bool =
      g.sets.allIt( <= and <= and <=
    func solve(lines: seq[string]): AOCSolution[int]=
      for line in lines:
        let game = line.parseGame()
        block p1:
          if game.isPossible():
            result.part1 +=
        block p2:
            minRed = game.sets.mapIt(
            minGreen = game.sets.mapIt(
            minBlue = game.sets.mapIt(
          result.part2 += minRed * minGreen * minBlue
    when isMainModule:
      let input = readFile("./input.txt").strip()
      let (part1, part2) = solve(input.splitLines())
      echo &"Part 1: The sum of valid game IDs equals {part1}."
      echo &"Part 2: The sum of the sets' powers equals {part2}."
  • Did mine in Odin. Found this day's to be super easy, most of the challenge was just parsing.

    package day2
    import "core:fmt"
    import "core:strings"
    import "core:strconv"
    import "core:unicode"
    Round :: struct {
        red: int,
        green: int,
        blue: int,
    parse_round :: proc(s: string) -> Round {
        ret: Round
        rest := s
        for {
            nextNumAt := strings.index_proc(rest, unicode.is_digit)
            if nextNumAt == -1 do break
            rest = rest[nextNumAt:]
            numlen: int
            num, ok := strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &numlen)
            rest = rest[numlen+len(" "):]
            if rest[:3] == "red" {
       = num
            } else if rest[:4] == "blue" {
       = num
            } else if rest[:5] == "green" {
       = num
        return ret
    Game :: struct {
        id: int,
        rounds: [dynamic]Round,
    parse_game :: proc(s: string) -> Game {
        ret: Game
        rest := s[len("Game "):]
        idOk: bool
        idLen: int, idOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &idLen)
        rest = rest[idLen+len(": "):]
        for len(rest) > 0 {
            endOfRound := strings.index_rune(rest, ';')
            if endOfRound == -1 do endOfRound = len(rest)
            append(&ret.rounds, parse_round(rest[:endOfRound]))
            rest = rest[min(endOfRound+1, len(rest)):]
        return ret
    is_game_possible :: proc(game: Game) -> bool {
        for round in game.rounds {
            if   > 12 ||
      > 13 ||
       > 14 {
                return false
        return true
    p1 :: proc(input: []string) {
        totalIds := 0
        for line in input {
            game := parse_game(line)
            defer delete(game.rounds)
            if is_game_possible(game) do totalIds +=
    p2 :: proc(input: []string) {
        totalPower := 0
        for line in input {
            game := parse_game(line)
            defer delete(game.rounds)
            minRed   := 0
            minGreen := 0
            minBlue  := 0
            for round in game.rounds {
                minRed   = max(minRed  ,  )
                minGreen = max(minGreen,
                minBlue  = max(minBlue , )
            totalPower += minRed * minGreen * minBlue
  • Rust (Rank 7421/6311) (Time after start 00:32:27/00:35:35)

    Extremely easy part 2 today, I would say easier than part 1 but they share the same sort of framework

    Code Block

    (Note lemmy removed some characters, code link shows them all)

    use std::fs;
    fn part1(input: String) -> i32 {
        const RED: i32 = 12;
        const GREEN: i32 = 13;
        const BLUE: i32 = 14;
        let mut sum = 0;
        for line in input.lines() {
            let [id, content] = line.split(": ").collect::>()[0..2] else { continue };
            let id = id.split(" ").collect::>()[1].parse::().unwrap();
            let marbles = content.split("; ").map(|x| { x.split(", ").collect::>() }).collect::>>();
            let mut valid = true;
            for selection in marbles {
                for marble in selection {
                    let marble_split = marble.split(" ").collect::>();
                    let marble_amount = marble_split[0].parse::().unwrap();
                    let marble_color = marble_split[1];
                    if marble_color == "red" && marble_amount > RED {
                        valid = false;
                    if marble_color == "green" && marble_amount > GREEN {
                        valid = false;
                    if marble_color == "blue" && marble_amount > BLUE {
                        valid = false;
            if !valid {
            sum += id;
        return sum;
    fn part2(input: String) -> i32 {
        let mut sum = 0;
        for line in input.lines() {
            let [id, content] = line.split(": ").collect::>()[0..2] else { continue };
            let id = id.split(" ").collect::>()[1].parse::().unwrap();
            let marbles = content.split("; ").map(|x| { x.split(", ").collect::>() }).collect::>>();
            let mut red = 0;
            let mut green = 0;
            let mut blue = 0;
            for selection in marbles {
                for marble in selection {
                    let marble_split = marble.split(" ").collect::>();
                    let marble_amount = marble_split[0].parse::().unwrap();
                    let marble_color = marble_split[1];
                    if marble_color == "red" && marble_amount > red {
                        red = marble_amount;
                    if marble_color == "green" && marble_amount > green {
                        green = marble_amount;
                    if marble_color == "blue" && marble_amount > blue {
                        blue = marble_amount;
            sum += red * green * blue;
        return sum;
    fn main() {
        let input = fs::read_to_string("data/input.txt").unwrap();
        println!("{}", part1(input.clone()));
        println!("{}", part2(input.clone()));

    Code Link

  • Late as always, as I'm on UK time and can't work on these until late evening.

    Part 01 and Part 02 in Rust 🦀 :

    use std::{
        env, fs,
        io::{self, BufRead, BufReader},
    struct Sample {
        r: u32,
        g: u32,
        b: u32,
    fn split_cube_set(set: &[&str], colour: &str) -> Option {
        match set.iter().find(|x| x.ends_with(colour)) {
            Some(item) => item
                .split(' ')
                .expect("Found item is present")
            None => None,
    fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
        let args: Vec = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
        let file = fs::File::open(filename)?;
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        let mut valid_game_ids_sum = 0;
        let mut game_power_sum = 0;
        let max_r = 12;
        let max_g = 13;
        let max_b = 14;
        for line_result in reader.lines() {
            let mut valid_game = true;
            let line = line_result.unwrap();
            let line_split: Vec<_> = line.split(':').collect();
            let game_id = line_split[0]
                .split(' ')
                .expect("item exists")
                .expect("is a number");
            let rest = line_split[1];
            let cube_sets = rest.split(';');
            let samples: Vec = cube_sets
                .map(|set| {
                    let set_split: Vec<_> = set.split(',').collect();
                    let r = split_cube_set(&set_split, "red").unwrap_or(0);
                    let g = split_cube_set(&set_split, "green").unwrap_or(0);
                    let b = split_cube_set(&set_split, "blue").unwrap_or(0);
                    Sample { r, g, b }
            let mut highest_r = 0;
            let mut highest_g = 0;
            let mut highest_b = 0;
            for sample in &samples {
                if !(sample.r <= max_r && sample.g <= max_g && sample.b <= max_b) {
                    valid_game = false;
                highest_r = u32::max(highest_r, sample.r);
                highest_g = u32::max(highest_g, sample.g);
                highest_b = u32::max(highest_b, sample.b);
            if valid_game {
                valid_game_ids_sum += game_id;
            game_power_sum += highest_r * highest_g * highest_b;
        println!("Sum of game ids: {valid_game_ids_sum}");
        println!("Sum of game powers: {game_power_sum}");
  • My solutions in C:

    Most of this is just reading the data, surely there's a better way to do this lol.

  • My solution in python

    input="""Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green
    Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue
    Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red
    Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red
    Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green"""
    def parse(line):
        for str in line[line.index(':')+1:].split(';'):
            for str2 in str.split(','):
                tmp=str2.strip(' ').split(' ')
        data['max_red']=max([x['red'] for x in data['hands']])
        data['max_green']=max([x['green'] for x in data['hands']])
        data['max_blue']=max([x['blue'] for x in data['hands']])
        data['possible'] = True
        if data['max_red'] > 12:
            data['possible'] = False
        if data['max_green'] > 13:
            data['possible'] = False
        if data['max_blue'] > 14:
            data['possible'] = False
        return data
    def loadFile(path):
        with open(path,'r') as f:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        for row in input.split('\n'):
            if data['possible']:
        print('total: %s, power: %s ' % (total,power_sum,))
  • Python

    Questions and feedback welcome!

    import collections
    from .solver import Solver
    class Day02(Solver):
      def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(2) = []
      def presolve(self, input: str):
        lines = input.rstrip().split('\n')
        for line in lines:
          draws = line.split(': ')[1].split('; ')
          draws = [draw.split(', ') for draw in draws]

      def solve_first_star(self):
        game_id = 0
        total = 0
        for game in
          game_id += 1
          is_good = True
          for draw in game:
            for item in draw:
              count, colour = item.split(' ')
              if (colour == 'red' and int(count) > 12 or  # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
                    colour == 'blue' and int(count) > 14 or
                    colour == 'green' and int(count) > 13):
                is_good = False
          if is_good:
            total += game_id
        return total
      def solve_second_star(self):
        total = 0
        for game in
          minimums = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
          for draw in game:
            for item in draw:
              count, colour = item.split(' ')
              minimums[colour] = max(minimums[colour], int(count))
          power = minimums['red'] * minimums['blue'] * minimums['green']
          total += power
        return total
  • Haskell

    A rather opaque parser, but much shorter than I could manage with Parsec.

    import Data.Bifunctor
    import Data.List.Split
    import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
    import Data.Tuple
    readGame :: String -> (Int, [Map String Int])
    readGame = bimap (read . drop 5) (map readPull . splitOn "; " . drop 2) . break (== ':')
        readPull = Map.fromList . map (swap . bimap read tail . break (== ' ')) . splitOn ", "
    possibleWith limit = and . Map.intersectionWith (>=) limit
    main = do
      games <- map (fmap (Map.unionsWith max) . readGame) . lines <$> readFile "input02"
      let limit = Map.fromList [("red", 12), ("green", 13), ("blue", 14)]
      print $ sum $ map fst $ filter (possibleWith limit . snd) games
      print $ sum $ map (product . snd) games
  • I'm a bit late to the party for day 2. Here's my answer:

    use std::rc::Rc;
    use crate::utils::read_lines;
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
    enum Cube {
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
    struct Bag {
        pub red: usize,
        pub green: usize,
        pub blue: usize,
    fn parse_num<'a, I>(mut group: I) -> usize
        I: Iterator,
            .expect("Should be number")
            .expect("Should be number")
    fn process_lines() -> impl Iterator> {
            .expect("Could not read file")
            .map(|line| {
                let line = line.expect("Should be line");
                (&line[(line.find(':').unwrap() + 1)..])
                    .flat_map(|section| section.split(","))
                    .map(|group| {
                        let mut group = group.trim().split(' ');
                        match group.next_back().expect("Should be color") {
                            "red" => Cube::Red(parse_num(group)),
                            "green" => Cube::Green(parse_num(group)),
                            "blue" => Cube::Blue(parse_num(group)),
                            c @ _ => panic!("Color {c} not recognized"),
    pub fn solution_1() {
        let bag = Bag {
            red: 12,
            green: 13,
            blue: 14,
        let sum: usize = process_lines()
            .map(|(i, line)| {
                let is_possible = line.iter().all(|cube| match cube {
                    Cube::Red(c) => *c <=,
                    Cube::Green(c) => *c <=,
                    Cube::Blue(c) => *c <=,
                if is_possible {
                    i + 1
                } else {
    pub fn solution_2() {
        let powersum: usize = process_lines()
            .map(|line| {
                let bag = line.iter().fold(
                    Bag {
                        red: 0,
                        blue: 0,
                        green: 0,
                    |mut bag, cube| {
                        match *cube {
                            Cube::Red(n) => {
                                if n > {
                           = n;
                            Cube::Green(n) => {
                                if n > {
                           = n;
                            Cube::Blue(n) => {
                                if n > {
                           = n;
       * *
  • crystal

    (commented parts are for part 1)

    input ="input.txt").lines
    limits = {"red"=> 12, "green"=> 13, "blue"=> 14}
    # possibles = [] of Int32
    powers = [] of Int32
    input.each do |line|
    	game = line.split(":")
    	id = game[0].split()[1].to_i
    	possible = true
    	min = {"red"=> 0, "green"=> 0, "blue"=> 0}
    	draws = game[1].split(";", &.split(",") do |cube|
    		cubeinfo = cube.split
    		num = cubeinfo[0].to_i
    		min[cubeinfo[1]] = num if num > min[cubeinfo[1]] 
    		# unless num <= limits[cubeinfo[1]]
    		# 	possible = false
    		# 	break
    		# end 
    	end )
    	# possibles.push(id) if possible
    # puts possibles.sum
    puts powers.sum
    • Man I really need to learn Crystal. I love the ruby syntax and it's supposed to be really fast right?

      • Yeah, it's still a very small language, not much community or tooling, but a pleasure to use. In practice it'll hit half the speeds of low level languages like rust and C, but with way less effort.

  • Python, interesting that the readMax function that I created on part 1 was also what I needed for part 2.

  • [LANGUAGE: C#]

    Part 1:

    var list = new List((await File.ReadAllLinesAsync(@".\Day 2\PuzzleInput.txt")));
    int conter = 0;
    foreach (var line in list)
        string[] split = line.Split(":");
        int game = Int32.Parse( split[0].Split(" ")[1]);
        string[] bagContents = split[1].Split(";");
        var max = new Dictionary() { { "red", 0 }, { "green", 0 }, { "blue", 0 } };
        foreach (var content in bagContents)
            string pattern = @"(\d+) (\w+)";
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(content, pattern);
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                int number = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                string color = match.Groups[2].Value;
                max[color] = (max[color] >= number)? max[color] : number;
        conter += (max["red"] <= 12 && max["green"] <= 13 && max["blue"] <= 14) ? game : 0;

    Part 2:

    var list = new List((await File.ReadAllLinesAsync(@".\Day 2\PuzzleInput.txt")));
    int conter = 0;
    foreach (var line in list)
        string[] split = line.Split(":");
        int game = Int32.Parse(split[0].Split(" ")[1]);
        string[] bagContents = split[1].Split(";");
            var max = new Dictionary();
        foreach (var content in bagContents)
            string pattern = @"(\d+) (\w+)";
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(content, pattern);
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                int number = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                string color = match.Groups[2].Value;
                if (!max.ContainsKey(color))
                    max[color] = number;
                else if(max[color] < number)
                    max[color] = number;
        conter += max.Values.Aggregate(1, (total, value) => total *  value );
  • [Language: Lean4]

    I'll only post the actual parsing and solution. I have written some helpers which are in other files, as is the main function. For the full code, please see my github repo.

    structure Draw (α : Type) where
      red : α
      green : α
      blue : α
      deriving Repr
    structure Game where
      id : Nat
      draw : List $ Draw Nat
      deriving Repr
    def parse (input : String) : Option $ List Game :=
      let lines := input.splitTrim (. == '\n')
      let lines := lines.filter (not ∘ String.isEmpty)
      let parse_single_line : (String → Option Game):= λ (l : String) ↦ do
        let parse_id := λ (s : String) ↦ do
          let rest ← if s.startsWith "Game " then some (s.drop 5) else none
        let parse_draw := λ (s : String) ↦ do
          let s := s.splitTrim (· == ',')
          let findAndRemoveTail := λ (s : String) (t : String) ↦
            if s.endsWith t then
              some $ String.dropRight s (t.length)
          let update_draw_parse := λ (pd : Option (Draw (Option String))) (c : String) ↦ do
            let old ← pd
            let red := findAndRemoveTail c " red"
            let green := findAndRemoveTail c " green"
            let blue := findAndRemoveTail c " blue"
            match red, green, blue with
            | some red, none, none => match with
              | none => some $ {old with red := some red}
              | some _ => none
            | none, some green, none => match with
              | none => some $ {old with green := some green}
              | some _ => none
            | none, none, some blue => match with
              | none => some $ {old with blue := some blue}
              | some _ => none
            | _, _, _  => none
          let parsed_draw ← s.foldl update_draw_parse (some $ none none none)
          let parsed_draw := {
            red := String.toNat? <$>,
            green := String.toNat? <$>,
            blue := String.toNat? <$> : Draw _}
          let extractOrFail := λ (s : Option $ Option Nat) ↦ match s with
            | none => some 0
            | some none => none
            | some $ some x => some x
          let red ← extractOrFail
          let green ← extractOrFail
          let blue ← extractOrFail
          pure { red := red, blue := blue, green := green : Draw _}
        let parse_draws := λ s ↦ List.mapM parse_draw $ s.splitTrim (· == ';')
        let (id, draw) ← match l.splitTrim (· == ':') with
        | [l, r] => (parse_id l) (parse_draws r)
        | _ => none
        pure { id := id, draw := draw}
      lines.mapM parse_single_line
    def part1 (games : List Game) : Nat :=
      let draw_possible := λ g ↦ ≤ 12 && ≤ 13 && ≤ 14
      let possible := flip List.all draw_possible
      let possible_games := games.filter (possible ∘ Game.draw) |> List.foldl Nat.add 0
    def part2 (games : List Game) : Nat :=
      let powerOfGame := λ (g : Game) ↦
        let minReq := λ (c : Draw Nat → Nat) ↦
 c |> List.maximum? |> flip Option.getD 0
        minReq * minReq * minReq
      let powers := powerOfGame
      powers.foldl Nat.add 0
  • Is anyone else like me, but it took me longer to understand what I was supposed to do on day 2 than on day 1? However, here is my solution written in Golang:

    • It was confusing. It took me 3 tries to write the parser. The first time I didn’t realize there were multiple observations per game and the second time for some reason I was convinced the color came first.

  • Just getting started with Rust, part 1 took a long time. Really amazed when I saw part 2, just needed to add 2 lines and was done due to the approach I had taken. Feedback more than welcome!

    use std::{
        cmp, fs,
        io::{BufRead, BufReader},
    fn main() {
    fn cube_conundrum_complete() {
        // Load the data file
        let filename = "./data/input_data/day_2_cubes.txt";
        let file = match fs::File::open(filename) {
            Ok(f) => f,
            Err(e) => {
                eprintln!("Error opening file: {}", e);
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        // iniatiate final results
        let mut total = 0;
        let mut total_power = 0;
        // loop over the games in the file
        for _line in reader.lines() {
            // Handle the data and extract game number and maximum number of cubes per color
            let (game_number, max_green, max_red, max_blue) = cube_conundrum_data_input(_line.unwrap());
            // Calculate the power for the day 2 result
            total_power += max_green * max_red * max_blue;
            //Calculate if the game was possible with the given number of cubes
            let result = cube_conundrum_game_possible(game_number, max_green, max_red, max_blue);
            total += result;
        // print the final results
        println!("total part 1: {}", total);
        println!("total part 2: {}", total_power);
    fn cube_conundrum_data_input(game_input: String) -> (i32, i32, i32, i32) {
        // Split the game number from the draws
        let (game_part, data_part) = game_input.split_once(":").unwrap();
        // Select the number of the round and parse into an integer
        let game_number: i32 = game_part
            .split_once(" ")
            .expect("could not parse gamenumber to integer");
        // Split the data part into a vector both split on , and ; cause we only care about he maximum per color
        let parts: Vec<&str> = data_part
            .split(|c| c == ',' || c == ';')
            .map(|part| part.trim())
        // Set the intial values for the maximum per color to 0
        let (mut max_green, mut max_red, mut max_blue) = (0, 0, 0);
        // Loop over the different draws split them into color and nubmer of cubes, update maximum number of cubes
        for part in parts.iter() {
            let (nr_cubes_text, color) = part.split_once(" ").unwrap();
            let nr_cubes = nr_cubes_text
                .expect("could not parse to integer");
            match color {
                "green" => max_green = cmp::max(max_green, nr_cubes),
                "red" => max_red = cmp::max(max_red, nr_cubes),
                "blue" => max_blue = cmp::max(max_blue, nr_cubes),
                _ => println!("unknown color: {}", color),
        return (game_number, max_green, max_red, max_blue);
    fn cube_conundrum_game_possible(
        game_number: i32,
        max_green: i32,
        max_red: i32,
        max_blue: i32,
    ) -> i32 {
        // Compare the number of seen cubes per game with the proposed number. Return the game number if it was possible, otherwise 0
        let (comparison_red, comparison_green, comparison_blue) = (12, 13, 14);
        if max_green > comparison_green || max_red > comparison_red || max_blue > comparison_blue {
            return 0;
You've viewed 43 comments.