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Who decided to create a Hexbear dialect here as a mainstay and why? (Things like bazinga)

Words like:




Adults in the room doing hard decisions:

New additions: wine cave warriors. (no need to define)

Post hog

PMC Karens (hononary mention)

Possible additions: 'homo economicus'

Wtf is with all of this?

Edit: Ok, so from what I've gathered, you guys are basically a million Progressive podcasts' communities hiding under a trenchcoat that you call a Lemmy community...

homo economicus


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  • Bazinga is Sheldon's catchphrase in The Big Bang Theory--it's emblematic of the "I fucking love science" crowd who value dubious technological achievements over actual political solutions

    Slop: don't know the history of this one, but it fits with the pig theme

    Treat: also not sure about the origin, but (as someone who has listened to like two episodes of Chapo Trap House) this feels very Matt Christman, but it could also be some Twitter thing which I am blissfully unaware of

    Adults in the room doing hard decisions: this isn't a Hexbear coinage, but something liberals have actually said without a hint of irony (just search the Washington Post or the New York Times and you'll surface countless articles about supposed "adults in the room" like Mattis or Tillerson). It was used a lot to describe people in Trump's administration who the media deemed worthy stewards of empire who would steer the administration in the right direction, and is also used to describe the "mature" civil Democrats in contrast to the "childish" unseemly GOP.

    • As a blessedly-untarnished-by-twitter commie, I always figured "treats" was a play into pillorying the settler beneficiaries-of-empire as dogs. "Good dog gets its treats" and that.

      • I always thought it was more referring to bread and circuses, something to keep the population placated. I really like your interpretation too though.

        • Well, there are those whose social democracies benefit from neo-colonial exploitation et those who liver on settler land and probably genocided the rest of the other indigenous nations...

          Then there are those expats who help command a field army of Global South people, especially those of privilege, to advocate for their own "freedoms" in rival Global South countries, while cracking down on dissent when in power, as approved and even aided by the local landholders, industrialist capitalists, and Euro-American financiers...

      • Same, I've always assumed (and still do) that this is essentially what it means. The labor aristocracy and vassal states of the US are rewarded for their loyalty.

      • I always just interpreted it as an anti-materlialistic phrase to mock how western libs can only really understand the world through how many things they can purchase for cheap. "Oh you want to fix climate change but I'd have to have a car I like slightly less? That's taking my treats away and we don't do that" I think these all fit in one theme though and like them all meow-hug

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