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PowerShell Weekly for Nov 17, 2023


Blogs, Articles, and Posts

Projects, Scripts, and Modules

  • PSZoom v
    \ A collection of Powershell tools to interface with the Zoom Api.
  • Get Microsoft 365 License Usage Count Using PowerShell
    \ Keeping an eye on the available licenses in your Microsoft tenant is essential to ensuring you and your users have what is needed to keep the business running. Whether you assign licenses directly or you use Group Based Licensing


  • Emil Larsson: Creating Communal Tech Waves with PowerShell
    \ In this episode of the PowerShell Podcast, we had Emil Larsson join us! We had a healthy amount of community blogs in this episode, with lots of great conversation all throughout. We discussed how helpful contributing to PowerShell docs can be. We learned about Emil's evolution with PowerShell and how the industry has changed in his 10+ years of experience. Emil and Andrew revisited their early IT days of grappling with upgrades from Windows XP to Windows 7, making all of us a bit nostalgic. We also had a fair bit of discussion around what the PowerShell community is all about.


Check out for all past editions as well as a searchable archive.