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Projectiles are spawning to the side of markers Projectiles are spawning to the side of markers - Lemmy.World

Hey y’all, throwing a little project together in Godot 4.1 to practice stuff I learned after a tutorial project. I’ve set up two markers as my projectile spawn points, but the shots are spawning slightly off from the markers and I can’t figure out why. Code and pics below. I “fixed” it by shifting t...

Hey y'all, throwing a little project together in Godot 4.1 to practice stuff I learned after a tutorial project. I've set up two markers as my projectile spawn points, but the shots are spawning slightly off from the markers and I can't figure out why. Code and pics below. I "fixed" it by shifting the player sprite2D 5 pixels to the right. Not sure why the spawns are being offset though. NVM that only fixed it at the starting position, the shots are way off when rotating.

Edit: I broke the formatting posting on mobile 🙃

This snippet is from the player script

` var player_direction = (Globals.player_pos - $FixedHardpointDirection.position).normalized()

        if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire_primary") and can_shoot and Globals.laser_ammo > 0 and hardpoint_type == 0:

        Globals.laser_ammo -= 1

        var hardpoint_positions = $ShotStartPositions.get_children()

        can_shoot = false


        for i in hardpoint_positions:

            player_shot_fixed_weapon.emit(i.global_position, player_direction)



And this is from the level script

` func _shoot_fixed_weapon(pos, direction):

        var laser = laser_scene.instantiate() as Area2D

    laser.position = pos

    laser.rotation_degrees = rad_to_deg(Globals.player_rotation)

    direction.x = cos(Globals.player_rotation)

    direction.y = sin(Globals.player_rotation)

    Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction = Vector2(direction.x,direction.y)


    laser.direction = Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction.rotated(-1.5708)





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