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  • Can someone explain to me the liberal propensity for willful ignorance? Liberals supposedly pride themselves on "intellectualism" but consistently reject basic facts about reality.

    Because of this, I legitimately have more disdain for liberals than outright fascists (disgust and hatred being different emotions of course). These fucking worms. These weaselly little shits. Fascists at least have the wherewithal to be intentionally wrong for nefarious reasons, but liberals are intentionally stupid - for what? The only conclusion I can come up with is that they're fascists that aren't smart enough to know that they're fascists.

    • Liberals maintain their positions primally through hegemony, where investigation is reading surface-level analysis from "the experts" and feeling special for reading The New York Times. They don't need to do much work to adopt the "correct" position.

      Most do not have any real experience in handling criticisms from socialists. They are used to punching right, if anything.

      While defensiveness and pretending to know things are pretty common among humans, the liberal response is differentiated by how it is taught to seek out information and to find confirmation of liberalism itself. Confirmation bias is easy when your worldview is hegemonic. You can find a liberal excuse for anything, a false liberal narrative for anything, with almost zero work. This helps to halt critical investigations before they actually dive into history or critical analysis.

      Most liberals today barely even know what liberalism even is, they just know to defend it through a series of tropes they're taught as children. They're also taught that the bar for having an opinion is very low, at least for them. They deserve an opinion despite no investigation. They're fighting the good fight! There are no consequences for being wrong, your peers all think the same things and will only give feedback on strategy.

      These are tendencies, of course. People move away from liberalism all the time and can be reached. But these tendencies are roadblocks on that path. Roadblocks we should work around!

    • Can someone explain to me the liberal propensity for willful ignorance?

      Meh, everyone has it,

    • Liberals are extremely proud of themselves for their ability to tie themselves into intellectual knots so they don't have to critically engage with anything. They're mental gymnastics experts and that takes a lot of training and skill that they have honed their entire lives.

  • Surely 😄

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