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Install Lemmy from Scratch docs seem broken

I'm trying this on Ubuntu 22.04 Rust's cargo install seems to keep creating permission problems between what I have to install, compile and what gets published in the cargo "registry", which causes issues at runtime when I run as lemmy:lemmy through systemctl.

If I run: cargo install lemmy_server --target-dir /usr/bin/ --locked --features embed-pictrs as a non-root user, I get permission denied issues with /usr/bin/.future-incompat-report.json and /usr/bin/release

If I run the build as a root user, and then manually copy the binaries to /usr/bin and chmod them to lemmy:lemmy, then try to run as lemmy:lemmy, it appears the binary is trying to access some "registry" files in /root/.cargo/registry (for which of course it does not have permissions.)

How do I fix this?

  • Here's how I do it. Might be worth giving it a shot. This is on FreeBSD, but I doubt that matters.

    git clone lemmy
    cd lemmy
    git checkout 0.17.3
    git submodule init
    git submodule update --recursive --remote
    echo "pub const VERSION: &str = \"$(git describe --tag)\";" > "crates/utils/src/"
    cargo build --release
    strip target/release/lemmy_server

    Then copy target/release/lemmy_server to wherever you want to run it.

    • Thanks. On cargo build --release I get this

         Compiling strum_macros v0.24.3
         Compiling deadpool v0.9.5
         Compiling tokio-postgres v0.7.8
         Compiling enum_delegate v0.2.0
         Compiling doku v0.20.0
         Compiling jsonwebtoken v8.3.0
      error: failed to run custom build command for `lemmy_utils v0.17.3 (/home/ubuntu/git-clones/lemmy/crates/utils)`
      Caused by:
        process didn't exit successfully: `/home/ubuntu/git-clones/lemmy/target/release/build/lemmy_utils-6fa456450f9c975a/build-script-build` (exit status: 1)
        --- stdout
        --- stderr
        Error: Parse(InvalidParameters { key: "new_application_subject", missing: ["hostname"], unknown: ["instance"] })
      warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
      • I was able to follow these build from git checkout instructions on Ubuntu 22.04, I didn't get the error you got.

        What version of rust/cargo are you using? cargo --version I get:
        cargo 1.70.0 (ec8a8a0ca 2023-04-25)