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Shower thought: One good thing about the internet? Improving the public image of cats and rats.

When I was a kid in the 90s/early 2000s, Cats used to be disliked a lot more. Seen as spoiled, manipulative, fickle, vain, and mean. There was always a weird sexist element to this as well. It was a common trope that “Dogs are like boys, cats are like girls” the implication being that boys were loyal, friendly, fun, and goofy, whereas girls embodied the negative traits associated with cats that I mentioned earlier.

When cats became a meme on the internet, more people suddenly started to realize that they can be weird, loveable goofballs (maybe one day people will realize women can be fun silly goofballs too?). Now when people think of cats, they think of their positive aspects.

I can see the same thing happening right now with rats. More and more people are posting their pet rats on the internet doing cute stuff, and people are getting to see that they are good little goobers that deserve love. Rats are starting to be seen in a positive light.

I wish the internet was used for good things like that more often.