Hide news websites that won't let you read the article without paying
Hello everyone, I'm tired of having to go bavk to my search results 4 timesnbecause eveyrtime that I search for a news article every single website I get on won't let mr read it without either subscribing/logging in, how can I hidethese websites from the results OR
How do you guys look up news articles, an app or smt?
Do you have any examples? I have never seen a paywall while using this. They have a list of supported sites, though I'm not sure if all of them are guaranteed to work 24/7 or if they need frequent updates.
Will the extension be updated to use Manifest V3? If it isn't, it seems that compatibility with Chrome might not last much longer, unfortunately.
Edit: Was just asking as I recently installed the extension and Chrome complains that it uses Manifest V2. While Firefox is better than Chrome for lots of reasons, until I make the switch I was just wondering if the extension would keep working given that the alternative 12 foot ladder isn't tall enough for several paywalls...
The link I posted is for Firefox. The Chrome version is here, and it looks like it should continue working with MV3. (Obviously, the better solution is to stop using Chrom*. Mozilla is modifying Manifest V3 so adblockers/etc will continue to work in a post-MV3 world).