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[OC] Ring of Deadly Digits /post/8041521

[OC] Ring of Deadly Digits

Legendary, requires attunement

As an action, the wearer points a digit (finger or toe) wearing the ring at a target, and the digit will glow brightly. On the subsequent round at the beginning of the wearer's turn, the ring will shoot forth the following at the target (roll 1D20):

1-3: Nothing happens (but see below).

4-6: Magic Missile at 1st level spell ability.

7-9: Eldritch Blast at 1st level spell ability.

10-12: Entangle at 1st level spell ability.

13-15: Firebolt at 1st level spell ability.

16-17: Melf's Acid Arrow at 2nd level spell ability.

18: Fireball at 3rd level spell ability.

19: Lightning Bolt at 3rd level spell ability.

20: Finger of Death at 7th level spell ability.

Range is based on the spell effect rolled. If the target is out of range, the effect occurs at the end of the maximum range of the spell effect.

Cursed - This item is cursed. When the item is used, the digit that the ring is on will itself shoot towards the target, turning into the effect rolled on the table above, and the digit will be destroyed; the exception to this is a roll of 1-3 on the chart above, which will cause the digit to fly up to 50ft at the target and bounce off harmlessly. After the ring is used, it will appear on the next closest digit to the right; if all the digits on that appendage are gone, it will move to the next closest appendage. The ring cannot be removed until all the user's digits are gone or a Remove Curse is cast on it. Digits cannot be brought back except with Regeneration or Wish (a Ring of Regeneration is not strong enough to bring the digit(s) back).