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  • It's alright, making small progress on a personal project. My feet are cold though, and it's supposed to be full spring here yet we're having cold damp days.

    • Nice, is your personal project fun at least?

      • It's entertaining enough, although sometimes I get bored when I hit a knowledge gap and have to figure out how to do stuff. I'm making a realistic creature in blender, and I'm somewhat new to blender.

  • I'm doing alright just waiting for my new laptop, excited for it just annoyed it took a few more days than it needed to.

    • A new laptop, that's always exciting! How does it compare to the old one?

      • My old laptop can only do basic browsing, not quite as bad as a chrome book but slowing over the past 2 year, my new one is a gaming one and will allow me to create video edits easily, also is loads better than my Desktop that I do most things on, including edits at the moment. (The new one has a 3050 in it)