They're so beautiful. I agree that they seem worth the effort, they make the room feel just right. I love the vine going along the fairy lights, and that it hangs down and makes a frame. Your fern is cute AF, as well.
It gets a mist a couple of times a week and is watered regularly, it gets fed with liquid seaweed around once a month. Our house tends to stay between 40 and 60% humidity which probably helps. It can get a few crispy ends in the winter but then I try and mist it a bit more.
Funnily enough we bought two at the same time and the other one didn't last long, this guy is a strong one.
My wife and I bought a couple during lockdown and things have grown from there if you'll excuse the pun. We'd only just bought our first place together and it was our first opportunity to own any. We now probably have a few too many!