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Does anyone actually like 3d movies?

I'm rewatching Final Destination.

And it dawned on me that all of the shots were choreographed for 3D animation.

I remember disliking 3D movies whenever we had those red and blue lens glasses.

And whenever the movie industry switched over to the new clear 3D glasses. I still didn't see the point in 3D movies. I watch them and then threw away the glasses at the end of the movie. The experience sucked, just like always.

So I'm curious.

Did anybody actually want 3D movies? Or was this something that the movie industry was just trying to shove down our throats?

  • I avoid them at all costs, even the 3D rides at Disney World. I don't even put the glasses on and just let my family enjoy the ride.

    They give me the worst headache!

  • I watched Tron : Legacy on release at the local IMAX in 3D. It was epic. Not seen anything else in 3D though.

    • Tron: Legacy was my first 3D movie. At the beginning of the movie I was like "huh, this 3D thing is absolutely not worth it" then, the guy goes into the grid and everything turns 3D and I thought about the people that watched The Wizard of Oz in cinemas for the first time, and how cool it must have felt to see a movie turn into color. That's how I felt.

  • I find the effect for real life movies isn't great but in animated films they seem to have more control of how it's layered. I've enjoyed it a couple times and hated it a few times, but it really is a gimmick for now.

    Decent passive 3D tech (no glasses) or actual advances in holographic tech might change that but not much else will take over 2D being mainstream.

  • I enjoy the novelty of it for first half an hour but then immediately forget about it. I feel like it was just an extra money maker a trend of the time.

  • Sure. If they’re made to be 3D, the writing, direction, and camera work are all done to integrate and make 3D part of the story.

    If they just make Fast And Furious 15 in 3D because hey, 3D marketing gimmick…hell no.

  • I saw a couple of the classic 50s 3d flicks in the theatre when I was a teenager in the 80s.

    It was fun.

    Didn't make me want to see any more.

  • I never cared for them. The technology and techniques have improved vastly over the years but given the choice I'm fine with the flat experience. Oddly enough I only play VR games anymore.

  • I like 3d as a fun novelty I never had headaches at al l from it. I have a 3d fractal artbook that's fun to look at when I'm high as fuck. There is also 3d tapestry wall art

  • I don't like it, and I don't think it adds anything to the experience aside from headaches and eye strain.