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Trump Tells Fans To Stand ‘Against Tyrants That Support’ The MAGA Movement In Not-Yet-Deleted Video Trump Tells Fans To Stand ‘Against Tyrants That Support’ The MAGA Movement In Not-Yet-Deleted Video

Trump told fans to oppose "Tyrants that support" the MAGA movement in a video gaffe that still hasn't been deleted 24 hours after Biden's campaign highlighted it.

Trump Tells Fans To Stand ‘Against Tyrants That Support’ The MAGA Movement In Not-Yet-Deleted Video

Biden’s campaign has been highlighting a raft of Trump gaffes recently — mixing up Biden and former President Barack Obama, misidentifying countries, not knowing what town he’s in to name a few — and pushing for the media to cover them like they do concerns about Biden’s age.

On Wednesday, the Biden rapid response account Biden-Harris HQ highlighted another example — a short video clip in which Trump misspeaks and tells fans to oppose “Tyrants that support the one and only movement that can save our country and make America great again”

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